董澤平吳彥濬Dong, Tse-PingWu, Yen-Chun周思岑Chou, Szu-Tsen2022-06-082024-02-292022-06-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/5d6d3ae8e4e7416ce80cdc7d189fa8b4/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/11836920 年來,各國積極鼓勵創業,許多國家建立完善的教育與輔導機制,環境促 使人們信心提升,Startups 風氣盛行,相關的研究主題愈來愈多,有學者對整個 領域或聚焦某一新創相關主題做系統性文獻回顧,不過,此研究方法有挑選文獻 及審查等過程的限制,所以後來的學者開始使用文獻計量工具解決前述問題。但 對新創公司的相關研究卻很少,新創公司有許多獨特的特徵,不能單靠創業相關 的文獻計量研究去了解,應該更全面地了解新創公司研究發展階段。因此,本研究旨在概述新創的學術領域,從 Scopus 書目資料庫蒐集 3,557 筆 出版於 1970 至 2021 年的數據做為研究範圍,利用 VOSviewer 與 SciMAT 兩個 軟體做共著分析、作者、文獻及期刊共被引分析、共詞分析並進行文獻計量圖譜 和可視化結果。研究發現 Wright, Mike 和 Shane, Scott 等人是領域中具影響力的 學者,表現最突出的期刊是 Journal of Business Venturing,多年來關鍵研究主題 為知識、人力資本、社會資本,而近年研究趨勢以知識、科技為基礎的產學關係、 創業網絡、生態系統為主,除此之外也有新興主題在持續增長中。本研究統整新 創領域在不同時間段其主題演變與關鍵學者、文獻、期刊之全面性分析,結合許 多創業、新創領域之評論性研究結果,包含動態能力、國際創業等不同主題。幫 助在新創領域的專家可更新先前知識,以及領域中的新手研究者更準確了解整個 新創領域的知識背景,或是透過標準化指標做比較依據,以利選擇研究主題與參 考文獻,減少搜尋成本及對選擇之研究的可靠性考量。Over the past 20 years, countries have encouraged entrepreneurship. The environment has promoted people's confidence. There are more and more relevant research. Some scholars have made a systematic literature review of the startups field. However, this method is limited by the process of literature selection and review. Therefore, researchers began to use bibliometric analysis to solve the problems. There is still a lack of contribution to science mapping in the field of startups. Startups have many unique characteristics, which can not be understood only by the bibliometric research related to entrepreneurship. We should have a more comprehensive understanding of startups.The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the academic research on startups. For bibliometric analysis and science mapping, all of 3,557 records were published between 1970 and 2021 were included from the Scopus. Additionally, used two software VOSviewer and SciMAT to perform co-authorship, co-citation of authors, publications, journals and co-occurrence of keywords. As a result of the analysis, Wright, Mike and Shane, Scott are the most influential researcher. According to the analyses conducted in the journals, Journal of Business Venturing stands out in the field. In recent years, the most effective researches were knowledge, human capital and social capital. Within the period of 2015–2021, trending topics were knowledge-based, technology-based university-industry relationships, entrepreneurial networks, and ecosystems. In addition, there are also emerging themes that continue to grow. This study integrates the theme evolution in different time periods and the comprehensive analysis of key scholars, publications and journals. Combined with the critical research results of entrepreneurship and startups. For example, dynamic capabilities and international entrepreneurship. It can help experts update their prior knowledge and more accurately understand the background of the field.新創事業文獻計量分析科學圖譜共現分析ScopusStartupsBibliometrics analysisMapping scienceCo-occurrenceScopus新創企業學術研究脈絡之探討-以科學圖譜分析工具為觀點Research on the Academic Research Context of New Ventures: A Science Mapping Analysis Tool as a Perspective學術論文