王恩美林月惠Wang, En-MeiLin, Yueh-Hui徐佳圓Hsu, Chia-Yuan2019-08-282021-12-312019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060183002I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85804一如目前研究所示,朝鮮王朝(1392-1910)儘管經歷了明清鼎革仍對於明朝(1368-1644)難以忘懷,認為事大對象不可易主,甚至表面上事大清朝,私底下延用明朝舊制。然,「事大」本為朝鮮亦或是前朝高麗王朝(918-1392)在對外交往上保護自我的一種手段,本文對於朝鮮在明清交替後,仍然無法以客觀的態度使用「事大」外交手段一現象,追本溯源。首先,將先探就朝鮮王朝所使用的「事大」外交政策緣由與轉變,以及在朝鮮王朝之前的諸王朝,是如何使用該外交方法立足、強大。此後,將逐一檢視朝鮮王朝後期──光海君、仁祖與孝宗三位君王在面對明清交際時,是以什麼態度去面對「事大」對象的轉移。 本論文認為,朝鮮王朝所使用的「事大」,有別以往只單純把「事大」當成是與周邊國家交往的方法,概念上已融合了中國經典《左傳》、《孟子》與朱熹的思想,且深受儒學影響。實際層面上,朝鮮王朝於壬辰倭亂(1592-1598)時,受到明朝的幫助,故難以以客觀的角度分析當時的明清勢力情勢,這樣的情感,使得朝鮮王朝後期──光海君、仁祖與孝宗三位君王與士人開始就「事大」、「保國」議題產生激辯。本研究透過朝鮮王朝的三位君王與士人間,對於「事大」、「保國」議題的爭辯,來看當時期朝鮮王朝的「事大」政策轉變,並認為該轉變乃是因其在明清交替的時空背景之下,朝鮮王朝基於國家保國目的下的利益,在考量內政、外交的局勢後,國君與士人經過漫長、複雜的折衝而產生。As per current research, the Chosun Dynasty (1392-1910) found it difficult to move on from Ming dynastic rule (1368-1644) after the Ming-Qing transition and was hesitant to change the object of sadae (i.e. “serving the great”) diplomacy from the Ming to the Qing. Though outwardly, the Chosun Dynasty served the Qing, in practice, they continued using the former Ming dynastic system. Sadae diplomacy was originally practiced by kings of the Chosun Dynasty, and even kings of the Koryo Dynasty (918-1392), as a defensive tactic in foreign affairs. This thesis endeavors to investigate the Chosun Dynasty’s inability to objectively use sadae diplomacy after the Ming-Qing transition. The thesis will first explore the Chosun Dynasty’s reasons for practicing sadae diplomacy and the changes effected therein. The thesis also delves into the pre-Chosun period to see how kings from past dynasties utilized sadae diplomacy to gain and strengthen their foothold. The thesis will then examine three kings of the late Chosun period—Kwanghae, Injo and Hyojong—and how they coped with the transition from the Ming to the Qing in sadae diplomacy. This thesis argues that the Chosun Dynasty utilized sadae diplomacy differently from past dynasties which viewed it as merely a way of interacting with neighboring countries. Conceptually, sadae diplomacy integrates the Zuo Tradition, Mencius and Zhu Xi schools of thought and draws heavily from Confucianism. However, the fact that the Chosun Dynasty received aid from the Ming Dynasty during the Japanese invasion of Korea (1592-11598) made it difficult for the Chosun Dynasty to view the Ming-Qing power dynamics in an objective manner. For this reason, the three kings from the late Chosun Period—Kwanghae, Injo and Hyojong—and the scholars began a great debate on issues pertaining to sadae, “serving the great”, and “guarding the land”. This thesis examines the changes in sadae diplomacy by looking at the debate between these three kings and the scholars of that time. Moreover, this thesis argues that changes in sadae diplomacy occurred during the Ming-Qing transition due to the protracted and complicated deliberations amongst the Chosun kings and the scholars in matters regarding national security and interests, domestic politics and foreign affairs.朝鮮王朝事大光海君仁祖孝宗Chosun Dynastysadaeserving the greatKwanghaegunInjoHyojong朝鮮王朝後期「事大」與「保國」政策的游移—以光海君到孝宗為中心(1608-1659)The Struggle of “Sevring the Great” and “Guarding the Land” in Late Choson under the regin between Prince Kwanghae and King Hyojong(1608-1659)