國立臺灣師範大學社會工作學研究所沈慶盈蔣明珊2014-12-022014-12-022000-12-011681-8822http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/37577本研究之主要目的為探討台北市早期療育服務體系的運作現況與困境,並分析其資源整合的成果,以提供建構未來早期療育服務體系的建議。研究者深入訪談台北市早期療育綜合服務中心及四個個管中心的主要負責人或督導共七名,結果發現目前早療體系的設計理念雖然不錯,但卻沒有具體落實,加上個管服務並非由醫療或教育機構提供,使得資源整合的成效不佳,因此在行政架構與服務流程的部份皆有重新修訂的必要。作者的建議色括:(1) 由早期療育推動委員會實際上執行早療體系的規劃工作;(2) 早療中心的結構與人員依其確定之定位與目標重新調整;(3) 個管服務由醫療或教育單位提供;及 (4) 個管服務自初步篩檢完畢即介入;及 (5) 進行有關資源整合與原有網絡及服務品質的研究。This study examined the service process and the degree of service integration of the early intervention system in Taipei. The researchers visited the Taipei Early Intervention Center for Children and four case management centers to conduct in depth interviews with seven managers and supervisors. Results showed that the administrative structure and the service process of the early intervention system have to be revised. In addition, an early intervention services system is developing, but there is only about one third of the organizations participated in the system. The findings suggest ways to reconstruct the system, to revise the service process, and to integrate service resources of early intervention. Methodological recommendations for future studies are also provided.早期療育服務流程困境Early interventionService processService delivery system臺北市早期療育服務體系之運作困境與整合分析A Study on the Integration of the Early Intervention System in the Taipei City