國立臺灣師範大學資訊教育研究所邱貴發2014-10-302014-10-302006-06-05http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/34285第一年的目的在於發展網路調查分析軟體及資訊科技融入教學問卷,並測試系統及問卷的可用性。第一版的系統與問卷已完成,也進行了小規模的測試。於測試中發覺目前仍不宜進行全台灣的資訊科技於國中小教學使用的狀況與問題調查,所以第二年將針對一所學校,進行個案測試,將優先探討這個系統應用於一所學校之教師訓練規劃的可用性。問卷將增加學生問卷,系統將增加教師訓練規劃功能及對教師個人及學校的建議功能。The purpose of the first year's project was to develop an online profiling tool and related questionnaires for surveying schools' ICT uses and issues. The first edition of the system and the questionnaires were accomplished and is currently under testing. For the past four weeks, we found that at this stage it is not appropriate to have a whole country's survey about the uses of ICT in schools. We are considering switch our research focus to a case school. Next year we will add some new functions into the system. And we also will develop a questionnaire for students. We are expecting that next year we can have a usable system for a school to survey her ICT uses and to plan her teacher's ICT-use training.網路調查分析學校資訊科技應用資訊科技融入教學教師訓練Online profilingOnline surveySchool technology useTeacher trainingOnline Profiling在教師資訊科技融入教學訓練規劃之應用(I)Planning Teachers' ICT Integration Training Programs through Online Profiling (I)