葉國樑曾治乾Gwo-Liang YehChie-Chien Tseng王辰瑄Chen-Hsuan Wang2019-08-282015-08-022019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0099053125%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87708本研究探討中部某縣市國小高年級學童身心症狀及其相關因素研究。研究選取101學年度上學期彰化市智類國民小學共10所,就讀五、六年級學童為研究對象,共發出567份問卷,回收有效問卷553份,有效回收率達97.5%。本研究的重要結果如下: 一、在傾向因素中,自尊與壓力調適行為呈中間偏正向;課業表現,呈中間偏滿意。自尊、課業表現與身心症狀間呈負相關。研究對象中,五年級、不與父母同住、自尊程度越低、課業表現不佳,身心症狀情形越嚴重。 二、在使能因素中,輔導機制與學習關懷呈中間偏滿意。輔導機制與身心症狀間呈負相關。 三、在增強因素中,家長管教態度以開明權威為最多;親子關係呈中間偏親密;家人支持、師長支持及同學或朋友支持皆呈中間偏高支持,以家人支持為最高。父母管教態度為專制權威其身心症狀情形較嚴重。親子關係、家人支持、師長支持與身心症狀間呈負相關。 四、研究對象在過去六個月內身心症狀,幾乎每天發生之症狀以心情不好、易生氣、睡不著、易緊張等四項的頻率為最高;有74.3%的學童曾發生過一種以上身心症狀。 五、年級、家庭結構、自尊、輔導機制、父母管教態度中忽視冷漠、親子關係、同學或朋友支持能預測身心症狀發生頻率,其解釋力為13.3%;自尊能預測身心症狀發生總數,其解釋力為4.7%;在身心症狀發生頻率或發生總數皆以自尊最具預測力。 最後,依據研究結論進行討論,並分別針對學生、家庭、學校與未來研究提出建議。The purpose of this study was to explore psychosomatic symptoms and the related factors of the fifth and sixth grade students of the elementary school in one County Taiwan. We chose fifth and sixth graders from ten wisdom classes of elementary schools who study in 2012-2013 school year as the population in this research. A cross-sectional survey was administered to a sample of 567 students with 553 returned (97.5% response rate). The major findings of this study are: 1.In the respect of Predisposing factors, the level of subjects' self-esteem, stress adjustment and academic performance were above average. Psychosomatic symptoms were negatively correlated with self-esteem and academic performance. The subjects who are the fifth graders, living without their parents, the less of self-esteem or bad for academic performance have the poor of psychosomatic symptoms. 2.For Enabling factors, the level of subjects' teaching-counseling mechanism and learning care were above average. Psychosomatic symptoms were negative correlated with teaching-counseling mechanism. 3.For Reinforcing factors, among the 4 ingredient of parents rearing attitude, the highest was authoritative. The parent-child relationships, family support, teachers support and friends support were above average. Among the social support, the highest was family support. Psychosomatic symptoms were negative correlated with parent-child relationships, family support, and teachers support. Therefore, the authoritarian of parents rearing attitude have the poor of psychosomatic symptom. 4.The objects in the past six months were feeling low, irritable-bad temper, sleep difficulties and nervous what are four symptoms of the highest frequency almost everyday. 74.3% of the object psychosomatic symptoms occurred in more than one. 5.In the study, the grader, family structure, self-esteem, teaching-counseling mechanism, the neglecting of parents rearing attitude, parent-child relationships, friends support can effectively predict the frequency of psychosomatic symptoms among students with the R square value of 13.3 %. Then, the self-esteem in the study can effectively predict the amount of psychosomatic symptoms among students with the R square value of 4.7%. Both of them, self-esteem were the most important of psychosomatic symptoms. Finally, proposes the conclusion and the suggestion for students, families, schools and future researches according to the findings.國小學童身心症狀PRECEDE-PROCEED模式school childrenpsychosomatic symptomsPRECEDE-PROCEED model中部某縣市國小高年級學童身心症狀及其相關因素研究The study of psychosomatic symptoms and the related factors of the fifth and sixth grade students of the elementary school in one County of Central Taiwan