陳昭蓉林忻叡陳美芳Chao-Jung ChenHsin-Rui LinMei-Fang Chen2019-08-122019-08-122017-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80722本研究旨在探究音樂才能發展與相關影響因素,邀請臺灣三大傑出合唱團中五位來自不同聲部與音樂教育背景的團員為研究對象,透過半結構訪談蒐集資料。研究第一部分撰寫每位受訪者音樂才能發展故事,並進行音樂發展階段的整體探究,結果大致符應音樂發展階段理論。受訪者在啟蒙階段展現感官天賦與對音樂的興趣;發展階段開始和未來領域直接相關的學習,除音樂班外,合唱團和校外活動也很重要;在轉折階段精進技能,認同自己音樂家身分,並正式踏入領域專業活動;目前階段已投入音樂領域一段時間,雖獲得成功,但也常面臨經濟困難等難題。此外,受訪者啟蒙較一般職業古典音樂家晚,也需要古典音樂外的涵養。研究第二部分由個人與環境、有利與不利四向度分析影響音樂才能發展的因素,結果發現無論個人或環境層面,有利因素很相似,受訪者均在啟蒙段階段展現優秀音樂潛力或興趣;在各階段皆展現強的內在動機,因而能在不同狀態下選擇進入音樂專業領域;隨發展階段晉升,更多受訪者展現強韌的意志,能克服困難,持續留在合唱專業發展;到能力趨於成熟的現階段,受訪者均有敏銳的覺察力,了解自己的特殊性。重要他人是最有利的環境因素,啟蒙階段最重要的是母親,其後則是音樂領域的同儕、師長或專業人士,這些專業夥伴也和受訪者能獲取環境資源密切相關。不利因素異質性較大,例如:找尋聲音定位、經濟因素、時間分配等。根據結果,本研究並提出對未來研究、藝術教育及音樂政策方面的建議。Purpose: This study investigated the developmental process of musical talent and its related factors among five singers from three distinguished semiprofessional choirs in Taiwan. Methods: Qualitative data were collected through semistructured interviews with the five singers, who vary in educational background and voice quality. A template analysis was adopted to generate meaning from the five singers’ life stories using Gagné’s DMGT 2.0 as a referential model. Results/findings: First, life stories were categorized into four stages. In the emerging phase, participants displayed their natural talents and interests in music and then entered the domain during the developing phase, where the activities in extracurricular settings assumed greater importance in addition to their formal training at school. In the turning phase, they established their musical identity and engaged in the professional field. In the current phase, they succeeded in some degree, while coping with challenges such as financial problems. Compared with the professional musicians in earlier studies, different qualities were observed. In general, they entered the domain later and sought resources from the nonclassical musical field. Second, influential factors were classified into four categories according to two dimensions, personal–environmental and beneficial–challenging, in consideration of the four stages. Similarities could be identified concerning beneficial factors among the five cases on both personal and environmental levels. For example, participants consistently displayed their natural talents and interests in the emerging phase, while possessing strong intrinsic motivation across all stages, which facilitated entrance to the musical domain, despite diverse conditions. Moreover, volition revealed its importance during the whole process, enabling them to overcome challenges and continue their professional pursuits. In the current phase, sensible awareness allowed them to understand their合唱團音樂才能發展音樂資優choirdevelopmental process of music talentmusic talent傑出合唱團團員音樂才能發展及相關因素之探究The Developmental Process of Music Talent and Its Related Factors: A Study of Distinguished Choir