謝智謀Hsieh, Chih-Mou陳佩茹Chen, Pei-Ru2020-10-192023-09-072020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060307021E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110121本研究主要目的在瞭解臺灣師範大學教學發展中心辦理之「4+1戶外教育跨領域學習培訓計畫課程」之成效,基於Kirkpatrick的反應、學習、行為三層次等評估歷程作為研究架構,探究參與者背景變項(性別、戶外經驗、參與區域)是否為影響培訓計畫課程成效之因素,為日後各單位辦理中、小學相關教師培訓研習提供具體建議。本研究對象為參與國立臺灣師範大學教學發展中心辦理子計畫四「4+1戶外教育跨領域學習培訓計畫課程」之中小學教師,共計97名。本研究採用問卷調查法,以結構性問題針對參與「4+1戶外教育跨領域學習培訓課程」之學員,調查個人基本資料,並評估學生對課程滿意度、個人學習成效與實際應用成效等,以探究學員目前個人因素狀況,以及參與培訓課程後,對培訓計畫的學習成效、工作上應用,以及培訓中習得的知識、態度和技能行為改變。透過資料整理與分析,得出結論與建議如下: 一、參與培訓教師對於4+1戶外教育跨領域學習培訓課程感到滿意,也具有良好的個人學習與實際應用成效。 二、參與培訓教師性別在反應層次、行為層次上無顯著差異,唯有在學習層次構面有顯著差異;不同參與戶外活動經驗及參與區域在反應、學習、行為層次上皆無顯著差異。 最後根據本研究結果,歸納以下研究建議: 一、增加培訓研習時數與跨領域相關課程授課師資,提供技能教學與跨領域課程的結合程度。 二、設定工作年齡層分組,讓參與培訓教師有充分的時間學習新技能及增加同儕相互討論、交流的時間。 三、增加同校教師參與人數,解決人力缺乏與行政認同等環境因素,以促進參與訓教師回到工作場域的應用。The study aimed to understand the effectiveness of “4+1 Interdisciplinary Learning in Outdoor Education Training Program” conducted by Center for Teaching and Learning Development, National Taiwan Normal University. The three levels of response, learning and behavior in the Kirkpatrick’s model of evaluation were used as the structure of the study to explore whether the background variables (gender, outdoor experience and participation area) are factors that affect the effectiveness of the training program which provided specific suggestions for the future units to handle relevant teacher training and study for primary and secondary schools. The object of this study is a total of 97 teachers in primary and secondary school who participated in the fourth program “4+1 Interdisciplinary Learning in Outdoor Education Training Program” conducted by Center for Teaching and Learning Development, National Taiwan Normal University. This study adopted the survey techniques to investigate the basic personal data of trainees participating in the “4+1 Interdisciplinary Learning in Outdoor Education Training Program” with structural questions and evaluated the course satisfaction at response level, the individual learning effectiveness at learning level and the actual application effectiveness at behavior level to understand the current status of the individual factors of the trainees, as well as the effectiveness of the individual’ s learning objectives of the training program after participation, the application of work and the changes in the knowledge, attitudes and skills acquired during the training program. Through data sorting and analysis, conclusions and recommendations are as follows: 1. Teachers participated in the training program were satisfied with the “4+1 Interdisciplinary Learning in Outdoor Education Training Program,” and they also acquired good personal learning and practical application results. 2. The gender of the teachers participated in the training program had no significant differences at response level and behavior level, except that there were significant differences at learning level; there were no significant differences at response, learning and behavior level in different outdoor experiences and participating areas. In the end, based on the results of this study, the following recommendations were summarized: 1. Increase the training and study hours and the teaching staff of interdisciplinary-related courses to provide the degree of integration of skill teaching and interdisciplinary courses. 2. Divide teachers in training into groups by age so that they will have sufficient time to learn new skills and increase the time for peer discussions and exchanges. 3. Increase the number of teachers from the same school to solve environmental factors such as lack of manpower and administrative approval, so as to promote the application of teachers in training back to the workplace.戶外教育跨領域培訓課程成效Kirkpatrick評估模式Interdisciplinary Outdoor EducationEffectiveness of Training ProgramKirkpatrick’s Model of Evaluation中小學教師戶外教育跨領域學習培訓成效之研究The Study of the Evaluation of Outdoor Education vs Cross-Disciplinary Learning Program for School Teachers