葉耀明Yaoming Yeh謝輝煌Huei-Huang Shie2019-08-292011-8-192019-08-292009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0094083104%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92811依據我國九年一貫課程的精神,各學習領域應使用資訊科技作為輔助學習之工具,以擴展各領域的學習,並提升學生解決問題的能力。維基百科具有「協同創作、開放共享」的特性,允許網路使用者集體創造知識。現有維基百科僅將知識以網頁形式儲存並提供簡易的搜尋功能,缺乏有組織的知識架構,來整合其內部的知識文件。 本研究將維基系統與語意網概念、電腦化測驗(QTI)、學習者資訊封包(LIP)加以整合,使維基系統應用於國中生活科技教學。本系統以國中生活科技作為目標領域,並且建構一個知識本體用來幫助系統獲取相關領域的知識。透過QTI的使用,可提升試題及測驗的再使用性(reusability)與在不同數位學習平台之間的互通性(interoperability)。使用LIP來記錄學習者的學習資料,讓學習者了解自己的學習情況。本研究開發應用程式,讓維基系統不再只是知識的儲存庫,而是具有語意搜尋、電腦化測驗及學習者資訊的數位學習平台。Based on the spirit of Grade 1-9 Curriculum Specification in Taiwan, Information Technologies should be integrated with the curriculum. In order to promote the student’s problem solving ability, information technologies are widely used in the curriculum of many courses. Wikipedia is one of the most popular Web 2.0 platforms in recent years, which has the merits of open, collaborative knowledge authoring, and information sharing. At present, Wikipedia can only store knowledge in the format of HTML, and provide simple keyword search functions. In order to provide an eLearning Platform using Wikipedia Technology, this research integrates the Wikipedia system with the concept of semantic web. It also integrates the computerization tests (QTI) and learner information package (LIP) to provide assessment services in the curriculum. Living Technology course in junior high school is chosen as the target domain for our prototype system. We have constructed an ontology for the system according to the Curriculum Specification. The ontology constructed is used as the indexing for the courseware contents of Living Technology course. In the assessment service of our system, the use of QTI will escalate the reusability and interoperability of questions and tests. We use LIP to record learner's learning history, which can provide learners better understanding of their learning situation. Our work has made the Wikipedia system not only a repository of knowledge, but also an e-learning platform with functions of semantic search, computerization tests, and learner information.維基百科語意網知識本體QTILIPWikipediaSemantic WebOntologyQTILIP以維基系統應用於國中生活科技教學之研究Research on applying Wikipedia system to the teaching of Living Technology course in junior high school