馮和平Ho-Ping Feng2016-05-062016-05-062014-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78407在臺灣英文寫作的教學,一直是其有挑戰性的任務。在傳統英語文分科教學的理念中,寫作教學要包括文法、句型、章法、寫作過程,老師經常會要求學生閱讀範文及做各種練習,寫作教學很容易變成以老師為中心的教學模式,學生的學習興趣會因此而降低。如能配合不同文體的教學,適時融入整合式的教學活動,可以提升學生對英語寫作課程的興趣,進而喜歡用英文寫作。本文介紹整合式教學之背景、動機,並列舉五個可以在國高中實施的整合式教學活動:讀者劇本改寫、海報展示、寫給校長的一封信、電影欣賞與議論文的寫作及辯論與議論文的寫作。文章結尾提出整合式教學活動設計之原則。The teaching of English writing in Taiwan has always been a challenging task for teachers. Due to students' limited English writing ability in general, English teachers feel that they need to cover all the important element of writing including genre and organization, specific entence pattems used for different genres, grammar and vocabulary. Because teacher are preoccupied with too much content they need to teach in a writing classroom students end up often doing eated work and, as a result, feel bored and lose their enthusiasm for writing. To increase students' incentives for writing, teacher can incorporate into English writing classroom integrative activities, which require students to use different English language skill . In this paper, five different integrative activitie are suggested based on the author' teaching experience in a freshman English writing classroom. These activities include writing up a reader theater play, poster presentation and process writing writing a persuasive letter to our school Principal, movies and argumentatise writing and debate and argumentative writing. At the end of the paper the principle of de igning integrative activitie are provided for successful skill integration in an English writing clas room.整合式教學文體小組合作學習skill integrationgenresgroup collaboration整合式教學融入英語寫作教學Skill Integration in An EFL Writing Classroom