國立臺灣師範大學教育學系王如哲2014-12-022014-12-022005-07-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/38503近年來為了改進教育機構的知識管理,國際間已出現明顯的努力,其 中以經濟開發暨合作組織(OECD)在知識管理與知識經濟學的探究工作最 為明顯;個別國家方面則以美國教育機構出現推動知識管理的具體措施與 方案最受關注。本研究的目的即在於瞭解這些在國際間和個別國家所出現 的教育機構的知識管理方案內涵及其成果,以研議出可供未來我國改進教 育機構的知識管理參考之建議。具體而言,本計畫的目的包括: 一、瞭解經濟開發暨合作組織(OECD)下的教育研究與革新中心(CERI)所推 動的知識管理目標工作內涵; 二、獲悉前述目標工作的推動現況及其所獲致的成果; 三、探討美國的一些教育機構推動的知識管理實例; 四、測量美國這些教育機構推動的知識管理成效; 五、瞭解美國這些教育機構推動的知識管理所遭遇的問題; 六、歸納結論並據以提出對於我國改進教育機構知識管理之相關建議。 為了達成前述之研究目的,本研究擬採文件分析、個案研究法、訪談法及 問卷調查法。In recent years some efforts of knowledge management in education have been made by both international organizations such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and individual countries, for instance the USA. This research project is therefore to undertake an international cases study focusing upon the efforts as described previously, and it is expected that suggestions for Taiwan on the improvement of knowledge management in education can be made from the findings concerned. The main purposes of this research can be stated as follows: 1) To understand the work of economics and management of knowledge by the Center for Educational Research and Innovation, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development; 2) To understand the current state of the work and its results; 3) To examine the examples of educational institutions implementing knowledge management projects from the USA; 4) To understand the relevant results and the problems faced the above American educational institutions; 5) To draw conclusions and make recommendations for future knowledge management in education in Taiwan. In this research a documentary analysis, a case study, an interview and a questionnaire survey will be employed so as to achieve the above purposes.知識管理教育機構的知識管理knowledge managementknowledge management in educational institutions教育機構的知識管理之國際實例研究Knowledge Management in Educational InstitutionsAn International Cases Study