黃純敏徐墡妮Hsu, Shan-Ni2019-08-292018-04-022019-08-292017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060003017E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92566 本研究採取行動研究法,以國中普通班學生為主要研究參與者,建構並實施特殊教育議題入班宣導之多元文化課程。 研究旨在透過行動研究取向之課程設計與教學實踐,採取觀察、訪談、調查、文件分析等資料蒐集方法,從課程建構與教學實施、學生學習成效和教師專業成長三個層面,探究多元文化課程的建構與實施。 研究結果如下:一、以破除偏見、尊重差異、同理接納為主要核心目標,並以Banks多元文化課程發展模式,建構以特教議題入班宣導之多元文化課程。二、多元的教學活動、媒材與評量方式,配合增強策略與尊重友善之學習氣氛,能提升學生學習動機與成效。三、多元文化課程可增進學生對特教議題之認知,培養同理尊重之態度與展現關懷之行動。四、實踐多元文化課程之教育行動,能深化教師多元文化教育之知能與信念,並提升行動研究之能力。In this study, the action research method is adopted, and the general class students as the main research participants, to construct and implement a multicultural curriculum research of in-class publicity programs with special education issue in junior high school. The purpose of the study is to explore the construction and implementation of multicultural curriculum. Through observation, interviews, surveys, document analysis and other data collection methods, discuss how to construction and implementation multicultural curriculum, the outcomes of student learning, as well as professional growth of teachers. The results are as follows: 1.To break the prejudice, respect for differences, empathy and acceptance as the main concept, and with Banks' multicultural curriculum development model to construct a multicultural curriculum of in-class publicity programs with special education issue. 2.Multiple teaching strategies, media and evaluation methods, with the enhanced strategy and respect for the friendly atmosphere of learning can enhance students' learning motivation and effectiveness. 3.A multicultural curriculum can enhance students' awareness of special education issues, and helps students to cultivate an attitude of respect and empathy, and show the action of concern. 4.The practice of multicultural curriculum can deepen teachers' knowledge, capability and belief of multicultural education.入班宣導同儕接納多元文化課程特殊教育議題標記理論in-class publicity programspeer acceptancemulticultural curriculumspecial education issuelabeling theory與ㄞˋ同行-以特殊教育議題入班宣導之多元文化課程研究A Multicultural Curriculum Research of In-class Publicity Programs with Special Education Issue