黃文齡Huang, Wen-ling2019-08-122019-08-122015-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/83829黑人史家卡特.烏德遜(Carter G. Woodson)以《黑人歷史會刊》(Negro History Bulletin)做為推廣黑人歷史普及化之用,也提供對話空間,讓他從不同的角度,呈現黑人在美國歷史的角色,以及為一個美國公民對美國社會的關懷。烏德遜賦予《黑人歷史會刊》推廣黑人歷史教育、宣揚非洲文化、介紹時事,和增加黑人的世界觀等任務外,也可瞭解烏德遜對於種族議題看法的變與不變。在《黑人歷史會刊》中,不變的是「我們」的非洲歷史和「我們」的美國史共同發展的過程,透過建構非洲史的過程,建立黑人社會的自信心,解構傳統對於黑人的刻板印象,同時強調黑人與美國史不可分割的關係。《黑人歷史會刊》除了不斷強調黑人歷史的重要貢獻與文化成就外,也顯示烏德遜對於黑人歷史被邊陲化的焦慮,如何調適黑人社會與當時政治、社會的氛圍,就成為烏德遜對於種族議題看法更迭的主因,於是他將美國的種族議題做了跨疆界的轉移,提出「兄弟情誼」論述以為因應,並據此壯大黑人爭取民權之勢。Afro-American historian Carter G. Woodson organized the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History as his enterprise. Journal of Negro History and Negro History Bulletin were its two publications for different readers. Journal of Negro History offered a place for the black professional historians to publish their academic works in a deeply segregated society. Negro History Bulletin was for the popular purpose. Its non-professional character offered an unlimited creative dialogue for Woodson to present the Afro-Americans played in American History and to criticize the American society as American citizen through the articles published in Negro History Bulletin. Woodson established an African-centered historiography and went upstream to ancient African culture for Negro history. He used abundant historical materials and scientific analysis to reconstruct self-objective Negro subjectivity, to declare the contributions self-proud Negro made to American society, to deconstruct the Negro stereotype, and to prove that Negroes deserved treating equally as American citizens inseparable. It also existed contradictions. But as a macrocosm, it was ‘our’ African History and ‘our’ American History interactively in all aspects of Negro History Bulletin. To Woodson, the United States was the final place to settle down for the Negro, and Negro history was the means to pursuit their life in the United States.卡特. 烏德遜《黑人歷史會刊》《黑人歷史學報》黑人歷史週Carter G. WoodsonNegro History BulletinJournal of Negro HistoryNegro History Week卡特.烏德遜對種族議題看法之研究—以《黑人歷史會刊》為例,1937-1950Carter G. Woodson and His Racial Strategies in Negro History Bulletin, 1937-1950