柯正峯博士汪素娥Wang Su Er2019-08-292005-9-12019-08-292005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00H1023008%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92046摘 要 本研究以外籍配偶成人基本教育教材作為研究對象,以多元文化教育觀點進行教材內容分析。主要目的是期望透過本研究之探討,了解各版本教材在教材形式、教材內涵及教材偏見問題等三方面的現況,並提出建議,以作為日後編輯教材之參考。 本研究主要採用內容分析法,先透過文獻蒐集與探討,建立分析類目與分析單位,編製研究工具;經過定量與定質的分析後,歸納研究發現,做成結論,並提出建議,以作為日後編輯外籍配偶教材之參考。 本研究的結論如下: 一、教育主管機關已開始重視外籍配偶成人教育。 二、教材編輯目的與教學目標多以識字與生活適應為首要。 三、教材取材呈現「生活化」與「鄉土化」特色。 四、教材之編輯出版尚未全面建立審查機制。 五、課文結構趨於鬆散,不易統整重要概念。 六、教學活動設計未完全符合成人學習心理。 七、教材內容大多採「同化觀點」,未能符應「多元文化」理念。 八、各版本教材內涵各有偏重,教學者可依需求選用參考。 九、教材內涵仍缺乏納入外籍配偶原生文化背景。 十、男女角色性別在教材中仍呈現不平等現象。 十一、性別偏見問題仍存在教材之中。 十二、教材中隱藏族群偏見之事實仍未獲改善 根據上述研究結論,提出以下建議: 一、對外籍配偶教育政策制定的建議 (一)建立教材編輯出版前審查機制 (二)建立外籍配偶學習支持系統 (三)建立教材出版、發行與流通管道 二、對辦理外籍配偶教育單位的建議 (一)培訓具多元文化教育觀點之師資 (二)鼓勵外籍配偶家人參與共學 (三)選擇或編輯適切之外籍配偶成人教育教材 三、對擔任外籍配偶教學者的建議 (一)課程設計應包含所有族群觀點 (二)同時培養外籍配偶「識字」與「增能」 (三)藉由異質團體共學,提昇學習成效 (四)轉換「主導地位」為「協助者」角色 四、對外籍配偶教材編輯的建議 (一)應以外籍配偶的觀點或生命經驗為出發點 (二)跳脫只學中文識字的刻板印象,兼顧其他語言學習 (三)配合教材發展相關學習輔助資源 (四)教材中避免製造族群或性別偏見 (五)邀請外籍配偶參與教材編輯,展現原生文化 五、對未來相關研究的建議 (一)在研究對象方面,可以教材使用者(老師、外籍配偶學員)為研究分析對象,以了解教材與教學的適用情形。 (二)在研究範圍方面,可以外籍配偶的學習型態進行「專班教學」與「異質團體共學」之研究,以了解二者學習成效之差異。Abstract The subject of this study is the adult basic education of foreign brides. The study will also analyze the content based on multicultural education viewpoints. The main purpose of this study is to understand the present condition in all versions of textbooks in terms of forms, contents, and prejudice through discussions. Also, it will provide some suggestions for editing the textbooks in the future. The study adopts “content analysis” to “categorize” and analyze the “units” through data collection and discussion. It will induct the findings of the study and draw conclusions relied on certain “quantity and quality”. And of course, it will also provide some suggestions for editing the textbooks in the future. The conclusions of the study are shown as follows: 1.Authorities concerned started to focus on adult education of foreign brides. 2.The purpose and objective of textbook editing is mainly on “word acquisition” and “adaptation of lifestyle.” 3.Talking about lifestyles and being localized are the characteristics of textbooks. 4.The sensor system is not fully developed regarding editing and publishing the textbooks. 5.The structure of the reading is not well-organized. 6.The lesson activities are not quite suitable for adult learning theory. 7.The content is not correspondent with the concept of “multi-culture,” for it mostly focused on the “assimilation” part. 8.The emphasis of each textbook differs from one to another. Conductors can choose what they need. 9.The original cultural background is not brought into the textbook. 10.The roles of male and female are not balanced in the textbook. 11.Sexual discrimination issue still appears in the textbook. 12.The state of racial bias in the textbook is not improved. Based on the conclusions, I provide some suggestions in the following statement. Ⅰ. For the policy of foreign bride education 1.We should establish the sensor system for editing and publishing the textbooks. 2.We should set up a supporting system for foreign bride learning. 3.We should build up a system for publishing and issuing the textbooks. Ⅱ. For the authorities concerned 1.We should train more teachers with multi-cultural education viewpoints. 2.We should encourage families of foreign bride to co-learn. 3.We should choose the suitable adult education materials for the foreign bride. Ⅲ. For the teachers 1.Issues of racial bias should not be contained in the lesson plans. 2.“Language acquisition” and “living skills” are equally important. 3.Making learning more efficient with different study groups. 4.Being a facilitator not a leader. Ⅳ. For editing the textbooks 1.We should start to teach foreign bride based on their background knowledge. 2.We should also get other languages involved. 3.We should develop more resources related to the textbooks. 4.We should avoid the racial bias and sexual discrimination. 5.We should invite the foreign brides into textbook editing to present their original culture. Ⅴ. For the future studies 1.As to the subject, one can analyze the user of textbooks, including teachers and learners in order to understand the use of textbooks. 2.As to the study field, one can do the research of “certain class teaching” and “study of different learning groups” in order to know the differences.外籍配偶多元文化教育成人基本教育內容分析法foreign bridemulticultural educationadult basic educationcontent analysis外籍配偶成人基本教育教材研究--以多元文化教育觀點