林磐聳lin pang soong李橋河lee kyo ha2020-12-102014-3-22020-12-102014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699600419%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115544關於紙張浪費的輿論持續的揭露以及各種團體的活動等,提高了一般人們的環保意識,但紙張的總生產量約三億噸,而消費量則呈現每年成長3%的趨勢。再加上,紙張在某些範疇內呈現增強的情形,因此在印刷用紙的使用量數據中,就能發現每年成長5~8%。事實上利用進步的電子工學所做的改變一點也沒有,這是因為用電算自動化及印刷方式處理的大量印刷用紙不列入計算之內。在降低印刷用紙消費中,最有可能實行的折衷案就是體系化的拍攝微縮影片,或是文獻資料概括性的電子化,即指隨時將原稿消除掉,以照片記錄保管的方式,保存所有的資料。但是將紙本的資料或遺產,轉換成電子資料的話會產生幾個問題點。1930年以後實施的微縮影片,雖然被確定能持續地保存資料(500年間能穩定的條件之下),但微縮影片的變化性仍然較大、資料的穩定性都還是很難評斷的狀態,因此以電子化的方式來記載還是很困難。現今,比起毫無計畫的說要減少印刷用紙的使用,反倒應該把焦點放在認識一張張印刷用紙的價值,了解之後並去使用它,這才是減少紙張浪費的第一步。研究者研究了各種展示印刷用紙可能性的方法及作者,在一張紙中實現了不同物品的開發,進而找到紙張的價值。在此,統合了印刷用紙的分割性、明確性、傳達性這三種特徵與可能性,製造出3D區劃用具 、眼鏡、時鐘、溫度計、量角器,因為紙張的特性上容易摺起來,以半組合式的方式呈現,並加上針孔效果、地球自轉與影子等簡單科學原理,想來證明作品實現的可能性。在本研究中所呈現的紙張概念產品設計,想要應用在實際生活中是有問題的,因為是印刷用紙所以耐用度還稍嫌不足,加上是利用自然的原理,使用起來便顯得緩慢、正確度也降低。但本研究的目的是在喚起一般日常對印刷用紙的視角,而且能馬上了解到紙張的價值。另外研究者將所追求的設計師應該投入的心力,投射在身上。雖然研究者能對於減少浪費資源的方法提出建議,或是提出能立刻珍惜資源的方法,但研究者認為的永續設計(sustainable design)是提出有可能的活用方法,使用者一同參與討論,透過意識交流吸引他自動地轉變行為。希望透過觀察像印刷用紙這種非常一般、常見的物質,能成為摸索其他也被浪費的資源的契機。At the present time, the rising technology has allowed a mass production of items. With the possibility of the mass production, an item has lost its primary value. Moreover, human beings tend to waste their objects without much concern. Out of those easily wasted items, the most easily wasted item would be an A4 paper. Derived from a natural resource, a tree, a mass production of A4 paper has been already actualized a hundred years ago. The period of development of a paper is comparatively short. However, are we aware of this significant development of a paper? Do we even appreciate this brilliant invention of a paper? The production and consumption of papers are rising higher and higher every year by 3 to 5 percent. Although we are living in this 21st century digital world, our needs for papers are still going on. Indeed, the half of the production of papers is wasted all over the world. This is such a serious problem that needs a solution. he main goal of this experiment is to awaken the public to spontaneously realize the significant value of a paper in their daily lives and as well as to prevent and minimize the waste of papers. The writer has researched many different functions of an A4 paper, and invented an object that embodies a piece of paper, which helped to improve the value of a paper. Through the use of these three concepts: division, precision, communicability, I made five conceptual items. These items are space(3D section tool), viewpoint(glasses), Time(clock), season(thermometer), and an angle(protractor). Since paper is easy to fold, these products are partially fabricated. The use of Pinhole effect, the rotation of the Earth, and shadow are applied in order to prove the practical use of these products. I also convinced consumers to actually participate and share their feedbacks to see their reaction. By doing this research, I desire that the value of paper could be improved. We should appreciate the natural resources that we have now on this beautiful planet, and prevent and reduce the waste of these resources.A4紙概念產品紙A4 paperConcept product designpaper紙的主張: 論一張A4紙的概念運用A4 paper concept design