鄭勝分Cheng, Sheng-Fen陳瑋慈Chen, Wei-Tzu2019-08-292017-02-252019-08-292017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060202016E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/9209720世紀末以降爆發一連串經濟危機,為因應市場失靈、政府失能、志願失靈等現象,社會企業漸受各國重視,成為歐美社會第三部門與經濟變革下解決社會問題的新興趨勢與途徑之一。目前臺灣社會企業尚屬初步發展階段,刻正由經濟部、勞動部及相關部會共同推動《社會企業行動方案》,其中「建平臺」與「倡育成」策略為推動關鍵,另查目前社會企業之研究多為探討社會企業定義、經營模式等議題,少有社會企業政府政策相關研究,考量政策規劃與執行對於社會企業之發展有一定影響力與重要性,故引發本研究動機,並聚焦於社會企業育成輔導平臺。本研究目的在於探討了解社會企業育成輔導平臺的作法、政策執行情形及其對於社會企業需求的回應情形,並據此進一步提出相關政策建議,提供我國政府作為未來調整規劃社會企業育成輔導平臺或資源整合相關政策之參考。 本研究採質性研究法,以深度訪談法的方式進行初級資料蒐集,訪談的對象包含推動社會企業的政府機關(單位)及官方設置之社會企業育成輔導平臺、官方育成輔導平臺使用者,以及民間育成輔導平臺與專家學者,依據研究問題進行訪談大綱設計及文獻蒐集,進行深度訪談,再就文獻與訪談資料分析整理出結論。 研究結果發現,《社會企業行動方案》育成輔導平臺之作法與鄭勝分所提出的社會企業發展途徑相似,分別由輔導新創企業的經濟部和輔導非營利組織的勞動部辦理,育成輔導平臺已展現部分成效,且能回應大部分社會企業之需求,惟仍有部分育成輔導困境尚待解決。本研究依據研究發現與結論,提出短期與中長期之社會企業育成輔導及相關政策建議,期待能夠提供政府作為下階段政策規劃之參考,創造更完善、更有利於臺灣社會企業發展之政策網絡與環境。Since the 20th century, a series of economic crises have broken out. In order to solve the problems triggered by market failure, government failure, and voluntary failure, the United States and many European countries regard social enterprise as one of the solutions to those problems, and it has become a trend in the reformation of society and economy. Social enterprise is a developing issue in Taiwan and is at an early stage of development, so the Taiwanese Government, including the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Labor and other related government organizations, has enforced the “Social Enterprise Action Plan” to found a friendly ecosystem for social enterprises. Among the Plan, the strategy of building a platform and an incubation strategy are the main elements. However, research on social enterprise policy in Taiwan is scarce, although realizing the outcome and influence of policy planning and implementation on social enterprises is important. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the practices of social enterprise incubation in the “Social Enterprise Action Plan,” the situation of policy implementation, and how the Plan responds to social enterprises. Furthermore, policy recommendations about the incubation of social enterprise and integration of policy resources will be derived from the study. This study uses qualitative research methods and consults: two government units, two social enterprise incubation platforms raised by the government, three representative users of the social enterprise incubation platform, and three additional experts and scholars. The interview outline was designed to address the research question and the literature was collected accordingly. The conclusion is based on the discussion and analysis of the interviews, literature and documents. The results show that the practice of social enterprise incubation in the “Social Enterprise Action Plan” is familiar to the approaches to developing social enterprise that are proposed by Cheng. The outcome and influence of incubation and platform strategies in the “Social Enterprise Action Plan” are obviously successful and provide what social enterprises need; however, some problems still remain to be resolved. Based on the research findings and conclusions derived from them, this study proposes short and long-term policy recommendations related to the social enterprise incubation platform. It is expected that the government will use this study for reference during policymaking, in order to create a better policy network and an environment that is conducive to the development of social enterprises in Taiwan.社會企業社會企業行動方案政策執行育成輔導平臺Social EnterpriseSocial Enterprise Action PlanPolicy ImplementationIncubationPlatform社會企業行動方案建平臺之政策執行研究─以育成輔導平臺為例A Study on the Policy Implementation of Social Enterprise Action Plan on Incubation