國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所卜小蝶張淇龍2015-07-032015-07-032009-12-011990-9128http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/73075本研究以長期且持續參與社會性書籤網站之使用者為對象,分析其書籤及標籤使用特性,並依據其標籤選擇行為,進一步歸納使用者類型及其標籤選擇特性。本研究方法採用內容分析、Q方法及訪談法,研究結果顯示受試者所收集之書籤重複性頗低;書籤具有標籤的比例頗高,但平均每筆書籤之標籤數量並不高;高頻率之標籤佔有一定使用率,顯示標籤的使用有集中現象;標籤語言以中文為主,英文比例也不算低;除主題式標籤外,也有不少標籤是以滿足特定使用目的之功能型標籤,包括滿足便於再搜尋、儲存、辨別、區分、排序、表達個人感受及分享等功能。本研究並依影響因素之多元性與使用者選擇標籤取向,初步分析出四種社會性使用者類型,並探討其社會性特質及在相關系統之可能應用。This study analyzed the characteristics of experienced users’ bookmarks and tags on social bookmarking websites. Clustering analysis of the test subjects was also conducted to understand the relations between user type and tag selection behavior. The research methods used in this study include content analysis, Q method, and interview. The results show that bookmarks collected by each subject were diverse. A high percentage of bookmarks were tagged, although the average number of tags was not high. Popular tags had higher usage. Chinese was the major language used in tagging, while English was also common. In addition to topical tags which constitute the majority of the tags, functional tags also prevailed. The latter served purposes of re-accessing, storing, identifying, distinguishing, sorting, expressing feelings, and sharing. Through an analysis of the diverse factors affecting the test subjects and their tagging orientations, the study categorized four social types of users; it further discussed the characteristics of sociality and the implications for related systems applications.社會性書籤服務社會性標記網路使用者研究 Social bookmarking serviceSocial taggingWeb user studies社會性書籤網站之使用者與標籤特性初探An Exploratory Study of Users and Tags on Social Bookmarking Websites�