林振興Lin, Jen-Shing丁勤TING, CHIN2019-08-282020-06-152019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060285001I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85304本研究目的為針對華裔學生探討文化涵化與華語文閱讀能力之相關性。欲瞭解文化涵化的程度,是否與華語文閱讀能力具有相關性質。在文化與二語學習研究中,包含不同受試者的背景變項。本研究由於研究對象的限制,僅針對華裔學生的性別、年齡與文化涵化程度等背景變項進行文化涵化與華語文閱讀能力之相關性探討。 本研究的研究對象共計七十八位華裔青年,其中多數為澳洲籍華裔青年,其他國籍分別為巴西、紐西蘭、泰國、新加坡、美國...…等。本研究在二零一四年十二月進行前測,包括文化涵化量表與華語文閱讀能力測驗。經過兩個月華裔青年語文研習班之後,利用相同的文化涵化量表與閱讀能力測驗,針對同一批華裔青年進行後測。收集、整理大量數據之後,本研究藉由SPSS與PLS統計軟體進行數據分析,探討華裔學生前、後測進步量之描述性統計,進而利用皮爾森相關分析探討文化涵化與華語文閱讀能力之相關性。本研究結果發現: 1. 華裔學生的文化涵化程度與華語文閱讀能力呈現顯著高度相關。 2. 華裔男學生文化涵化與華語文閱讀能力之相關係數比華裔女學生的為高,但兩者皆為顯著。 3. 成年華裔學生的文化涵化與華語文閱讀能力相關係數比未成年華裔學生為高,但兩者皆為顯著。 4. 文化涵化程度低華裔學生之文化涵化與華語文閱讀能力相關係數比文化涵化程度高的華裔學生高,但兩者皆為顯著。 透過分析文化涵化與華語文閱讀能力之相關性探討,本研究期待研究結果能在華語文領域之文化教學與閱讀教學方面有所貢獻,為日後發展華語文文化涵化研究或其它華語文技能相關分析之研究領域提供參考價值。The purpose of this research is to discover whether there is a relationship between acculturation and ability of reading in Mandarin for heritage Chinese learners. Although there is plentiful research demonstrating the correlation among culture, acculturation and language learning, hardly does the research explore the relationship between acculturation and Chinese language learning. Therefore, the research aims to find the association between acculturation and the ability of reading in Mandarin for heritage Chinese learners. The research includes an initial evaluation, a two-month Chinese language course and a post-course evaluation. 78 heritage Chinese learners between the age of 14 and 24 participated in this research, most of whom are Australian-heritage Chinese learners. The initial and final evaluations contain the same acculturation scale and test used in the study of reading forChinese as a foreign language. This research uses SPSS and PLS statistic analysis tools to measure the results of the study. The results discovered by this research are the following: I. The correlation between acculturation and the ability of reading in Mandarin is highly related. II. The correlation between acculturation and the ability of reading in Mandarin of male heritage Chinese learners is higher than female heritage learners. III.The correlation between acculturation and the ability of reading in Mandarin of adult heritage Chinese learners is higher than adolescent heritage learners. IV. The correlation between acculturation and the ability of reading in Mandarin of low-acculturated students is higher than high-acculturated students. The researcher expects that the study results will contribute to the field of Chinese teaching as foreign language and will be of use to those who would like to further develop the study of acculturation and its relationship with Chinese language skills.文化涵化華語文閱讀能力文化涵化量表閱讀測驗華裔AcculturationAbility of Reading in MandarinAcculturation ScaleReading TestChinese Heritage Learner文化涵化與華語文閱讀能力之相關性探討─以華裔學習者為例Research on Relationship between Acculturation and Ability of Reading in Mandarin for Heritage Chinese Learners