國立臺灣師範大學社會教育學系張德永 陳柏霖 劉以慧2014-10-302014-10-302012-06-011021-4542http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/34154本研究旨在探討社區社會資本、社區營造與社區發展之關連性。研究採用黃源協所蒐集的國科會問卷調查資料,進行次級資料分析。研究對象以社區為單位,針對全國立案之社區發展協會的理事長或總幹事,共計 691人,進行問卷調查。本研究以結構方程式模型檢定模式之間的關係。研究發現模式在適配度指標評估之後,模式獲得支持,其結果如下:驗證性因素分析結果顯示,社區社會資本是一個三階因素概念的模式,社區營造是單向度建構,而社區發展符應理論模式所指涉的二向度。此外,依據本研究分析結果發現,社區社會資本與社區營造的相關為 0.69;社區社會資本與社區發展的相關為 0.72;至於社區營造與社區發展的相關為 0.21,因此建議社區營造與社區發展兩個量表有重新修正的必要。This study aims to explore the variance and relationship between community social capital, community building and community development. Data from the National Science Council Report by Yuan-shie Hwang. Community was viewed as research unit and the whole Registered Community Development Associations in Taiwan were surveyed. There were 691 samples in this study. The study used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to test model and use some index to test, and it found that the model was fitted better. The result of model was as follows: The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) supports a three-order factor model for community social capital, CFA supports a single-order factor model for community building, and CFA supports a two-order factor model for community development. Path analysis reveals a relationship between community social capital and community building is 0.69; between the correlations community social capital and community development is 0.72; between the correlations community building and community development is 0.21. Besides, Scales of community building and community development need to be improved. The suggestions for application and future research were proposed.社會資本 社區營造 社區發展 結構方程模式Social capital�Community building�Community developmentStructural equation modeling以結構方程模式驗證社區社會資本、社區營造與社區發展之關係The Relationships between Community Social Capital, Community Building and Community DevelopmentUsing Structural Equation Modeling