黃均人Huang, Chun-Zen陳韻竹Chen, Yun-Chu2024-12-172024-07-172024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/7d40dcebf45ba9c9ca05f14defda035e/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/12388719世紀中葉開始,美國開始將音樂課程納入學校教育,並成立專業的音樂學院以培育相關人才。在這樣的環境之下,第一批專業的本土音樂家就此誕生,他們被稱作波士頓第二新英格蘭樂派 (Second New England School),而艾咪‧畢琦 (Amy Beach, 1867 - 1944) 是當中唯一的女性作曲家。畢琦的一生在鋼琴家、作曲家和教育家的身份中不斷轉換,除了是美國第一位創作交響曲的女性外,也分別在歐洲和美洲舉辦鋼琴音樂會巡演;在個人生活上,她面對當時社會對於女性的束縛,不斷在順從、妥協與反抗中度過。本文重點在於探究畢琦如何透過《耶弗他的女兒》中的聖經故事、歌詞文本和創作技巧,以這首音樂會詠唱調闡述自己戲劇般的生命經歷,這部作品也可以被解讀為她一生的寫照。本論文涵蓋五個章節,第一章為緒論;第二章為20世紀前女性音樂家的社會與地位;第三章為畢琦的音樂歷程;第四章為以作品《耶弗他的女兒,作品53》映照畢琦的人生經歷;第五章為結論。In the mid-19th century, the United States began to incorporate music courses into school education and establish professional conservatories to cultivate the talents. As music became more recognized and respected, it also gave rise to the first group of professional musicians in Boston, named Second New England School, which included Amy Beach, who was the only female composer.Beach’s life shifted among a pianist, a composer, and an educator. Not only to being the first female to compose a symphony in the US, but she also held concert tours in Europe and America. In addition, in Beach’s personal life, she lived a life of submission, compromise, and defiance. The focus of this thesis is going to explore how Beach employed the narrative of biblical story “Jephthah’s Daughter”, the textual lyrics and the composition technique, to describe her dramatic life experiences.The thesis has consisted of five chapters. Chapter 1 is the introduction. Chapter 2 is about the society and status of female musicians in the pre-20th century. Chapter 3 is about Beach’s musical journey. Chapter 4 is how Beach’s life experiences reflected in her composition “Jephthah’s Daughter”. Chapter 5 presents the conclusion.艾咪‧畢琦美國音樂女性作曲家Amy BeachAmerican musicfemale composers愛咪‧畢琦的《耶弗他的女兒》:一部傳記式的音樂會詠唱調Amy Beach's “Jephthah's Daughter”: An Autobiographical Concert Aria學術論文