程紹同cheng,shao-Tung陳怡婷Chen,Yi-Ting2019-09-052006-7-312019-09-052006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693300172%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105589足球選手培育體系之研究—以中國職業足球選手為例 摘 要 本研究旨在以中國足球選手培育之社會背景、法令與政策為基礎,探討中國足球選手培育體系之架構內容,進而討論中國足球選手培育現況與特點。其次藉由中國足球選手培育體系之模式,作為臺灣足球選手培育之借鏡。本研究透過內容分析法與深入訪談法進行分析探討後,其研究結果發現如下: 一、中國的社會環境從傳統體制改為資本主義的市場競爭,使得中國足球運動邁入職業化的經濟體制,創造出中國多元化的足球選手培育體制。 二、自1979年中國提出19項法令與25項政策文件後,其足球培育改善方為提高足球選手技術水平、發展業餘體育運動,逐漸轉為重視兒童、青少年培育工作,後轉發展為重點加強學校體育與足球選手的文化素質。 三、中國足球選手培育體制依照「思想一盤棋,組織一條龍,訓練一貫制」分為初、中、高三種等級,並由學校體系、業餘體系、俱樂部體系的培育單位,分別進行足球選手的培育訓練。 四、中國足球培育單位約有3,000多所學校,選手約有30,000名左右,而職業足球隊伍約有46隊,職業足球選手每年維持在1,000人左右。中國足球選手培育單位呈現多量且多元化的發展視為最大的特點;但各培育單位銜接不良、多數足球選手文化素質低落、職業俱樂部青年培育不確實,為中國足球選手培育最主要的詬病。 關鍵詞:足球選手、職業足球選手、培育機構、培育體系The Study of Training System of Football Players –The Case Study of Chinese Professional Football Players Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the social background, law and policy of Chinese Professional football players then through the framework of training system of Chinese players. Furthermore, the current status and situation of training system of Chinese players were discussed. Also the results were provided as a reformation for Taiwan. Through the content analysis and in-depth interview resulted in: 1. From the changing system of Chinese traditional social environment into competitive capitalism, it formalized Chinese Professional Football and created multiple training systems of Chinese football players. 2. After 1979, the Chinese government actualizes 19 laws and acts and 25 policy documents. The improvement direction of training system changed from advancing the skill level of football players, developing the mature sports into placing on children and teenagers and enhances the school sports and culture sense of football players. 3. The training system of football players follows the rules as preparing completely and wildly like a network, integrating football players as a whole system in different ages and training system in coincidence. And it divided into three different kinds of category as basic, middle and high level to train the football players by the system of schools, amateur and club. 4. Currently, there are more than 3,000 schools and 30,000 players as supported foundations. And the professional football players maintain around 1,000 players in 46 professional teams in every year. The characteristic of training system of Chinese football is multiple and quantitative. But the poor connection of different category of the training system, most of the football players are lack of culture sense and training the players without completely are the disadvantages of training systems of Chinese football players. Keywords: Football players, professional football players, training agency, training system.足球選手職業足球選手培育機構培育體系Football playersprofessional football playerstraining agencytraining system足球選手培育體系之研究--以中國職業足球選手為例The Study of Training System of Football Players-The case study of chinese profession football players