吳森原高亞明2014-10-272014-10-271986-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17503在本文中,我們首先定義模糊關係的四種合成運算,然後利用這四種合成運算分別定義模糊有向圖形,較佳模糊有向圖形與有向圖形的合成運算。我們證明了這些合成運算均具有結合性,且對於契合與析取均具有分配性。我們也證明了某些合成運算在有向圖形上滿足結合律(定理12)。In this paper, we first define four types of compositions of fuzzy relations and then we use these relations to define the compositions of fuzzy digraphs, better fuzzy digraphs and digraphs. We prove that these compositions are associative and distributive with respect to conjunction and disjunction. We also show that some compositions are associative in digraphs (Theorem 12).The Compositions of Fuzzy Digraphs模糊有向圖形的合成