高新建游家政曾祥榕Tseng Hsiang-Jung2019-08-282012-8-142019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0894000222%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90319本研究緣起於國民中小學九年一貫課程綱要公布實施之後,中央與地方的課程權限爭議不斷興起,如:國小幾年級開始實施英語教學、北北基一綱一本及臺北縣英語活化課程…等衝突。往常課程權限多以課程理論或教師專業進行學術研究討論,但教育學術理論卻無法解釋,為何地方政府會和中央(教育部)爆發課程權限的衝突。因此,本研究首先對課程權限加以定義,並劃分課程權限為課程立法權限、課程行政權限、課程發展權限。其次,以法學及公共行政學為理論基礎,分析兩者與課程領域的關係。再者,以法學和公共行政的學理分析為基礎,就我國中央、地方、與學校的課程權限進行文獻歸納整理。最後,以實徵訪談地方教育行政官員蒐集資料,進行結果分析。綜合文獻探討與實地訪談研究的結果,獲致研究結論如下: 一.以法學理論為基礎能系統化的釐清地方層級國民教育課程權限 二.法律的理論基礎是用法律的特定面向來解釋課程權限 三.公共行政理論基礎能解釋我國地方層級課程權限運作的多元觀點 四.公共行政理論觀點可以檢證課程相關法規的可行性 五.《九年一貫課程綱要》法理上是行政規則,但地方政府視同法規命令 六.法律規範的缺失造成地方層級實踐課程權限的困難 七.地方教育行政機關認為地方課程立法權限範圍僅限於升學考科或領域 八.預算經費、組織人力、壓力團體是地方政府實施課程立法權限的困難 九.地方層級課程行政權限只限於中央規劃的範圍下自主 十.教育法體系中課程法規的不周延,使得地方層級課程行政權限產生問題 十一.地方課程發展權限以推動國定課程為主,地方自主課程為輔 十二.國定課程的規範下 地方層級課程發展權限運作困難This research was motivated by the nonstop disputes between the central and the local authorities over curricular competence ever since The Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines have been put into effect. There have been clashes of disagreements on such topics as the starting grade level for implementing English into the curriculum, the single-version textbook policy, and the activation of elementary English courses. The discussion for academic research on curricular competence focused mainly on curriculum theory or teachers’ professional competency. However, academic theory on education fails to account for the clashes between the central and the local authorities. This research first offers some definitions of curricular competence, and separates curricular competence into such divisions as curricular legislative competence, curricular administrative competence, and curricular development competence. Then, on the theory basis of jurisprudence and public administration, the correlation between the two authorities is analyzed. Furthermore, reference materials on the curricular competence of the central, the local, and the school authorities of this country are compiled on the basis of jurisprudence and public administration. Last but not least, the research results will be analyzed from the data collected from personal interviews with local educational administrators. The conclusions reached by analysis of the reference materials and personal interviews are as follows: 1. On the basis of jurisprudence theory, curricular competence for civil education on the local level can be systematically divided. 2. The basis of jurisprudence theory accounts for curricular competence with specific facets of the jurisdiction. 3. The basis of public administration theory can account for the multi-faceted operations of curricular competency on the local level in this country. 4.The perspectives of public administration can evaluate the feasibility of curriculum-related regulations. 5.The Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines are directions according to law, however, they are regarded as regulations by local authorities. 6.The flaws in regulations bring about the difficulties in the implementation of curricular competence on the local level. 7.The education administration of the local authorities considers that the scope of the local curricular legislative competence is limited only to subjects and fields related to entrance exams. 8.The difficulties in the implementation of curricular competence for the local authorities lies mainly in such fields as budgets and funds, organization of manpower, and pressure groups. 9.Autonomy in curricular administrative competence on the local level is restricted to the limits of the central planning. 10.The fragmented of curriculum regulations in the educational law system poses obstacles in the curricular administrative competence on the local level. 11.Curricular development competence on the local level sets its primary focus on the national curriculum, and its secondary focus on autonomic curriculum. 12.Within the boundary of the national curriculum, the curricular development competence on the local level operates with great difficulty.九年一貫課程綱要課程權限課程立法權限課程行政權限課程發展權限中央集權地方分權The Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelinescurriculum competencecurricular legislative competencecurricular administrative competencecurricular development competenceCentralizationDecentralization地方層級國民教育課程權限之研究A Research on the Curricular Competence for Compulsory Education in a Government