楊美雪Yang, Mei-Hsueh余佩樺Yu, Pei-Hua2019-09-042017-02-212019-09-042017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0002723117%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99465隨著智慧型手持裝置日趨盛行,帶動APP行動應用程式的發展,也改變使用者獲取資訊的模式,出版業者相繼開發雜誌APP,成為使用者取得雜誌的重要管道。目前國內對於探討雜誌APP應用程式資訊的相關研究並不多,聚焦於閱讀功能的研究更少。因此,本研究旨在探討雜誌APP的閱讀功能對使用者使用意願研究。首先,以「內容分析法」觀察25個雜誌APP閱讀功能之「功能應用」與「提示服務」的內容與呈現,另外透過「網路問卷調查法」調查310名曾使用過雜誌APP的台灣民眾,藉以瞭解雜誌APP的閱讀功能對使用者使用意願影響及差異情況。 本研究結果發現,雜誌APP閱讀功能之「功能應用」與「提示服務」中,分別以「超媒體功能」與「閱讀提示功能」的提供比例與使用意願程度形成差異,但是僅「多點觸控設計功能」與「個人化服務功能」的提供比例相當完全,顯示仍有發展的空間。另外,本研究建議,使用者可以善用雜誌APP所提供之閱讀功能與服務,加深使用價值並找到數位閱讀優勢,進而提升使用意願;出版業者在投入研發APP形式的數位雜誌之餘,功能研發上可扣合時代脈動,如加入視訊結合直播功能,既能跟上潮流趨勢也能再造閱讀上的新互動模式。Recently, APP has changed the way with users get the information, press organ-izers to invest mobile version of the magazine, and magazine applications has become the important way for people to get the information. At present, reserch for the maga-zine APP of reading functions is less.This study was an investigation of users’ inten-tion to magazine APP reading functions First, content analysis is used to observe 25 sampled magazines APP, to under-stand magazine APP reading functions content and provide status. And internet ques-tionnaire survey is applied to question 310 Taiwanese people who currently live in Taiwan and had used magazine APP. The study found that the magazine APP reading functions,“Hypermedia Function” and “Prompt Fuction” the proportion of the provision and the use of the formation of differences. But only “Multimedia Function” and “Personalized service Function” is complete of provide, there's still room for improvement. We suggest users could be use the reading functions and services to finding the value and enhance the use of magazine APP. Press development functions’ combined with trends,to keep up with the trend and create a new reading mode.雜誌APP閱讀功能使用意願Magazine APPReading FunctionUsage Intention雜誌APP的閱讀功能對使用者使用意願研究An investigation of users’ intention to magazine APP reading functions