嚴貞詹羑芳Chan,Yu-Fang2019-09-052019-8-252019-09-052014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060168003T%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/1033423742億元,觀光產業逐漸對台灣經濟發展具有相當影響力,這也使得台灣意象的相關伴手禮成為炙手可熱的商品。佔來台旅客最大宗的中國大陸旅客,偏愛飲用白酒,因此,台灣高粱白酒成為大陸觀光客鍾愛的台灣伴手禮之一。 奇匠工坊國際股份有限公司觀察到台灣觀光產業的脈動與白酒市場之潛力,規劃開發屬於台灣的觀光酒品。本研究與奇匠工坊國際股份有限公司合作,針對台灣觀光意象運用於酒品包裝設計進行創作研究。本創作研究藉由台灣觀光意象、品牌設計與包裝設計相關文獻的探討與歸納,作為創作之學理基礎,並透過「內容分析法」針對台灣白酒市佔率9 成的三大酒廠之包裝視覺元素進行分析,以了解市場包裝設計之趨向。此外,對酒品公司經營者、企劃經理、營運經理、陶瓷協力廠等人進行「深度訪談」,歸納出品牌核心、目標市場及客群、產品定位等,以作為品牌識別設計及酒包裝設計之依據。 本研究創作主要以台灣自然景點、氣氛與氣候、地理劃分架構出觀光意象的三大構面,歸納出台灣四個地區著名景點之四季特色作為主軸,勾勒出「台灣醉美」之品牌識別設計與包裝設計的視覺結構。研究結果包括:(1)品牌識別設計:品牌標誌、標準字、品牌標準色、輔助圖形;(2)包裝設計:酒瓶設計、包裝材質運用、包裝視覺設計表現、包裝結構設計; (3)運用台灣四地之四季景色設計4款酒品行銷海報。This study focused on the application of Taiwanese tourism images in package design. It was cooperated with Chi-Chiang International Company. The creation directions were based on the literature review of Taiwanese tourism images, brand design and package design. In order to understand the trend of package design, this research used content analysis to explore visual elements of packages of three Taiwanese liquor companies which possess 90% market share in Taiwanese liquor market. Besides, an in-depth interview was conducted with administrators, planning managers, operating managers of Chi-Chiang International Company and administrators of Taiwanese ceramic manufacturers to find out the spirit of the brand, target market and consumers, and product positioning, which will be the foundation of the final design. The final design used features of four seasons of four famous sightseeing spots in Taiwan as the visual structures of brand identity design and package design of “Beauty Taiwan”. The design includes: first, the brand identity design, such as Trade Mark , Logotype, Brand Colors and Symbol Patterns; second, package design, such as liquor bottle design, the application of package material, visual and structural design of package; third, four promotional posters based on the features of four seasons of four locations in Taiwan.觀光意象包裝設計品牌識別Tourism ImagePackage DesignBrand Identity台灣觀光意象運用於包裝設計-以酒包裝為例An Application Study of tourism image on package design: A Case Study of Liquor Package Design