莊謙本Chuang Chien-Pen廖文雄Liao Wen-Xiong2019-09-042019-08-012019-09-042009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694700355%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99035本研究主要在探討高職學生學習基本電學交流電單元學習困難的單元和原因,為能提升學生學習「基本電學交流電單元」的學習效果,而發展出「基本電學網路學習系統」,並實施準實驗設計的不等組實驗教學,以檢驗學生們用網路學習與傳統學習在基本電學的成效差異。 本研究第一階段針對「高職電機電子群學生學習基本電學困難單元」做問卷調查,隨機選取大安高工、滬江高中、木柵高工等三間公私立學校173位三年級學生進行問卷調查。發現學習基本電學最困難的單元依次為「單相三線式與單相二線式」、「三相電源各種接法與三相電路計算」與「RLC串並聯諧振電路」,然後針對學習最困難單元設計「網路化學習系統」,以降低學習困難度。 本研究第二階段的實驗教學選取控制組一班38人,實驗組一班41人,經過四週教學後,進行學習成效分析,發現電腦化網路學習的學習成效顯著高於傳統講述的學習成效。因此,本研究所發展的「高職基本電學交流電單元課程的線上教材學習系統」可作為改善電機電子群學生學習交流電單元的參考。This study mainly investigates the units of basic electricity alternating current where vocational high school students have difficulties with learning. In order to improve the learning effect, a basic electricity network-learning system is designed. Moreover, a nonequivalent quasi-experimental instruction is implemented, and the learning effect of network learning is compared with that of traditional learning. The first stage of this study administered a questionnaire, and aimed to identify the difficult units of basic electricity for students in electrical and electronic cluster of vocational high school. 173 third graders from Taipei Municipal Daan Vocational High School, Hujiang High School, and Muzha Vocational High School were randomly selected. It was found the most difficult unit was “Single-Phase Three-Wire and Single-Phase Two-Wire”, followed by “all types of Three-Phase Power circuit and its related calculation”, and “RLC series and parallel resonant circuits” . Then a Web-based learning system was designed to deal with those difficult units. In the second stage of this study, instruction was carried out. Participants included one control group that consisted of 38 students, and one experimental group of 41 students. Subsequent to four-week instruction, an analysis of the learning effect was conducted. Results showed that the learning effect of network learning was significantly higher than that of traditional learning. Therefore, the online learning system on basic electricity alternating current can serve to improve the current learning units for students in electrical and electronic cluster of vocational high school.基本電學網路學習學習成效Basic ElectricityNetwork-LearningLearning Effects以網路教學改進高職生學習基本電學交流電單元的困難度之研究A Study of Improving Vocational High School Students’ Difficulties of Learning Basic Electricity Alternating Current by Web-Based Instruction