黃進龍李雨樵2020-12-102015-08-262020-12-102015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0698600280%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114721動漫是現今社會中能見度極高的次文化,並且深深影響了很多的人。本創作研究主要以動漫以及御宅族兩者來做為主要的創作架構,以筆者的生活環境為出發點,探討動漫對筆者繪畫創作的影響,以及筆者將如何用繪畫創作詮釋御宅族的特色,都是本研究的重點。 本論文架構分為六個章節,摘要如下: 第一章為「緒論」,說明本創作研究的動機及目的,在敘述研究方法及範圍。 第二章為「創作理論基礎」,該章以研究次文化的產生及對青少年的影響並深入了解御宅族的定義及種類,以及COSPLAY的發展。 第三章為「創作思想」,分析作品表面之下要傳達的理念。探討動漫對筆者的影響,以及身為御宅族的筆者思考創作的方式。第四章為「人造御宅系列創作內容、形式、技法與媒材」,該章節以整個系列創作的角度說明作品中包含的內容、元素,以及筆者如何使用媒材及技法來將意念轉化為創作。 第五章為「作品解說」,分析筆者人造御宅系列之作品理念,共十二件油彩作品。 第六章為「結論」,該章將筆者創作之研究成果做一總結及心得,並期望在將來能有更為精進的突破與表現。Anime and manga as a sub-culture is gradually becoming more prevailing and it has had a great impact on many. The researcher of this study thus created the Manga Otaku oil painting series as a self-reflection, exploring into the impact anime and manga has on the researcher, and also, on the other hand, how the researcher interprets otaku under his brushes and strokes. This series are centered on 1) anime and manga and 2) otaku, which have been a very important part of the researcher’s life. There are six chapters in this study and each chapter is summarized as below. Chapter one is introduction. This chapter covers the motive and purpose of the creating and studying of the series and then the research method and scope of study. Chapter two is the theoretical background of the study, which probes into sub-culture and its impacts on teenagers. The definition and categories of otaku and the development of cosplay are also covered in this chapter. Chapter three is the artist’s statement, unearthing the messages underlying the series and exploring into the impacts anime and manga has on the artist and how he, being an otaku himself, defines this series of paintings. Chapter four is the content, form, techniques, and medium of the Manga Otaku series. This chapter probes into the content and elements in the series as a whole and how the artist employed the art medium of choice to embody his concepts into his paintings. Chapter five is artist’s commentaries, elaborating on the concepts behind each of the twelve oil paintings in the series. Chapter six is conclusions. This chapter concludes the study and includes the researcher’s review of the study and his artwork, in the hope of having more excellent performances and breakthroughs in his future art creation.動漫次文化御宅族COSPLAYanime and mangasub-cultureotakucosplay「人造御宅」-繪畫創作研究A Study of the Manga Otaku Oil Painting Series