林淑君王麗斐Shu-Chun LinLi-Fei Wang2019-08-122019-08-122017-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81278研究目的本研究擬探討能成功完成高中職學業或穩定就學的偏鄉青少年的適應歷程,探究他們克服這些困難和挑戰的策略,並找出有助於偏鄉青少年學業適應的因素與適應歷程脈絡,以成為其他偏鄉青少年們的標竿,有助於未來偏鄉青少年的高中職就學適應。研究設計/方法/取徑本研究採取半結構式訪談方式蒐集資料,邀請某偏鄉國中畢業生已完成高中職學業或目前穩定就學者為研究參與者,探究他們在高中職就學期間所遭逢的困境、他們如何克服,以及有助於他們完成高中職學業的因素。共進行五次訪談,接受訪談的偏鄉青少年共有16 位,橫跨四屆,其中女生5 人,男生11 人,已經高職畢業者6人,專科五年級3 人,高三6 人,高二1 人。六位已經自高中職畢業的學生中,五位已經進入職場,一位進入大學就讀。研究發現或結論研究發現,這群青少年在高中職就讀的挑戰包括:學業困境、到陌生環境的緊張不安、生涯未定向的壓力、以及經濟困難。支持這群青少年完成高中職學業的核心信念是「追求夢想」,透過不斷的自我鼓勵,或尋求家長、師長、同儕的協助以幫助自己克服困難。至於就讀高中職的意義,對他們來說是為了獲得未來工作的競爭力,想要獲得更好的生活;期待因為自己的爭氣,而能讓自己和家人有面子;以及夢想的自我實現。研究原創性/價值透過本研究結果,了解促進偏鄉青少年完成高中職學業的有利因素,可提供日後規劃偏鄉青少年輔導方案之參考,及早協助偏鄉孩子;也能在偏鄉青少年離家求學前為他們預作心理準備,以提高他們獲得成功的機會;本研究亦提供對偏鄉青少年之教育與輔導實務及研究之建議。PurposeThe main purpose of the current investigation was to explore the adaptation process of adolescents in remote areas who were able to successfully complete their senior high or vocational school degrees. Thus, we examined the strategies by which they overcame these difficulties and challenges, and studied the factors and adaptive process contexts that help adolescents in remote areas to adapt successfully. The goal was to find academic benchmarks for adolescents in other remote areas and to aid adolescents in remote areas to adapt to senior high or vocational schools in the future.Design/methodology/approachGraduates from a junior high school in a remote area who had already completed senior high or vocational school degrees or were currently in stable study situations were invited to participate in the study. Five interviews were conducted; 16 adolescents across four classes in a remote area were interviewed. Five girls and 11 boys participated in the study; six had graduated from senior vocational school, three were fifth-year students in junior college, six were thirdyear students in senior high school, and one was a second-year student in senior high school. Of the six graduates, five were already working, and another attended university.FindingsThe study revealed that the challenges faced by this group of adolescents in senior high or vocational school included: academic difficulties, anxiety and unease at being in a strange environment, stress from lack of career direction, and financial difficulties. The core belief that supported this group of adolescents as they completed their senior high and vocational school degrees was the “pursuit of dreams.” Through continuously encouraging themselves or seeking assistance from parents, teachers, and peers, they were able to overcome difficulties. For them, the significance of studying at senior high or vocational school was to acquire competitive abilities for future work and to live better lives; to experience偏鄉青少年完成高中職學業促進因素偏鄉國中adolescents in remote areascompletion of senior high and vocational schoolfacilitating factorsjunior high schools in remote regions偏鄉青少年完成高中職學業的促進因素研究:以某偏鄉國中畢業生為例FACILITATING FACTORS ON THE COMPLETION OF HIGH SCHOOL DEGREES BY ADOLESCENTS IN REMOTE AREAS: A CASE STUDY OF GRADUATES FROM A REMOTE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL