方崇雄Chung-Hsiung, Fang陳郁雯Yu-Wen, Chen2019-09-032006-8-302019-09-032006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693710236%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96711  隨著電腦及網際網路的快速普及化,與因應全球化的競爭,企業不斷尋求快速且低廉的訓練方式,以維持競爭優勢,建構網路化訓練已成為必然的趨勢。本研究主要探討參訓學員在利用網路化訓練,接受資訊及網路專業課程後的訓練移轉成效,以提供日後進行網路化訓練的單位,增強學員受訓後將所學運用於工作職場之參考依據。爲達研究目的,首先藉由文獻回顧的方式,整理現有網路化訓練及訓練移轉的相關文獻,並探討訓練移轉理論與相關研究,作為本研究之理論基礎,且以自編之「網路訓練移轉成效問卷」為工具,將調查所得資料經統計分析,獲致研究結果、整理結論並提出建議。綜合研究結論,歸納成以下四點: 一、學員之受訓者特質越強,訓練移轉成效越好。 二、學員之訓練設計知覺越強,訓練移轉成效越好。 三、學員之工作環境知覺越強,訓練移轉成效越好。 四、學員之受訓者特質、訓練設計、工作環境與訓練移轉成效間存在線性關係。  With the fast popularity of computer and Internet and with globalized competition, enterprise seek the fast and cheap training way constantly in order to maintain the competition advantage, build and construct and train networked and already become the inevitable trend. The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of transfer of training which the student utilize non-synchronous web-based training to accept information and professional course of network in order to offer the reference basis to carry on the non- synchronous web-based training unit to strengthen the student to apply the skill the job after training in the future. For the purpose, the way to review with documents at first, put in order web-based training and transfer of training relevant documents existing, and probe into the theory of transfer of training and relevant research, as theoretical foundation of this research, and the scale is “web-based training transfer of training questionnaire” as the tool, investigate materials will be analyzed, obtain the result of study, put the conclusion and put forward the suggestion. Comprehensive research conclusion, sum up into the four points.網路化訓練訓練移轉訓練規劃web-based transfertransfer of trainingtraining planning網路化訓練移轉成效之研究A Study of Web-Based Transfer of Training