陳素秋Chen, Su-Chiu林雋永Lin, Chun-Yung2019-08-282015-07-202019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060107015E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88214本研究以多元文化教育之觀點,探討校園中的運動員,在求學過程當中,受到來自校園主流文化的何種壓迫;並且進一步探討這些壓迫如何影響運動員在校園中的學習經驗、以及學生運動員如何適應或回應這些壓迫。要了解這些來自主流文化的壓迫,本研究從「學業成功的運動員」著手挖掘,因為「學業低成就的運動員」已經符合主流文化中對於運動員的負面想像與看法,表示其並未適應、也未/無法抗拒主流文化的價值觀;而學業成功運動員努力的抗拒主流文化對於運動員的負面想像或看法,在適應主流文化價值觀的過程中往往更加艱辛;受到主流文化壓迫之後,學業成功運動員對於自我認同的轉變以及生涯選擇的考量,這些學習經驗是本研究的關注重點。 為使讀者能夠對於本研究之主題有基本認識,本研究首先將探討多元文化主義之精神,以及多元文化教育的意義、重要目標、重要的理論概念;接著探討我國校園中運動員的現況,包括過去學者對於運動員的學業學習概況、人際互動概況、生涯發展等等相關文獻的發現。接著將以深度訪談之方式訪談研究參與者-不同專長領域、已經轉換跑道並適應良好的學業成功運動員,藉由參與者的自述,了解研究參與者過去在校園中面對哪些來自主流文化的壓迫,並自述其如何回應、適應主流文化的壓迫,以及在求學過程中與校園中其他師生的互動關係、如何決定未來發展等等,藉由訪談資料的分析來呈現學業成功運動員在求學歷程中面對不利運動員的學習環境時所形成的獨特學習經驗。 將訪談資料與多元文化教育理論綜合分析之後,本研究發現,在校園中,學業成就往往成為衡量學生的單一標準,而在此標準之下運動員被視為校園中的「他者」;此外,校園中單一學業標準的情況下使主流群體對運動員形成誤認,也使得學業成功運動員反向對自我認同形成誤認;而在學業成功運動員成功轉換跑道、成為校園中的主流群體之後,反而開始採用主流文化的單一學業標準來要求原本的運動員群體,而對運動員形成壓迫。本研究亦發現,在單一學業標準的校園主流文化之下,學業成功運動員無論是在運動員群體中或是非運動員群體中,都始終是以「他者」的身分被壓迫著;也因為始終無法擺脫「他者」的身分,因此對於學業成功運動員而言,在主流文化的壓迫之下,掙扎與抵抗是永遠不會停息的。From the perspective of multicultural education, this study discusses what oppressions student athletes encounter under the mainstream culture in school and further explores how these oppressions affect student athletes’ learning experience and how they adapt themselves or response to the oppressions. To understand the oppression under the mainstream culture, “academically successful athletes” are selected to participate in this study. Since athletes with low academic achievements already meet the negative expectations and impressions under the perspectives of mainstream culture, they fail to adapt or to resist these values. Academically successful athletes have strived to fight against these negative impressions; however, it tends to be more difficult for them to adapt themselves to the mainstream culture. Influenced by the oppression of mainstream culture, academically successful athletes’ self-identity and career choice are mainly discussed in the study. In order to have a basic understanding of the research topic, this study firstly discusses the spirit, the meaning, the important objectives, and the theory of multicultural education. Then, it explores the current situation of student athletes, including the research findings on athletes’ academic performance, interpersonal interaction, and career development done by former researchers. In-depth interviews are conducted to participants, academically successful athletes, who have different specialties and adapt themselves well in the career change. Through the participants’ self-narration, what oppressions they encountered, how they reacted and responded to these oppressions, how they interacted with teachers and other students in school, and how they decided their future development are revealed. Besides, the analysis of interview data show that a unique learning experience is formed among academically successful athletes as they are confronted with the unfavorable learning environment. With the comprehensive analysis between the interview data and the multicultural education theory, the study finds that academic achievements tend to be regarded as the single standard to evaluate a student. According to this standard, athletes are viewed as the “other” in school. In addition, under the circumstances of the single academic standard, mainstream groups form misrecognition of athletes, while academically successful athletes reversely develop misrecognition of their self-identity. As athletes with great academicperformance successfully make a career change and become part of the mainstream culture, they adopt the single academic standard from mainstream culture to judge the original group of athletes instead, which similarly forms oppression to them. The research findings also discover that with the single academic standard from the mainstream culture, whether academically successful athletes belong to the group of athletes or non-athletes, they are often oppressed by the identity of the “other.” Since academically successful athletes still fail to get rid of the identity of the “other” under the oppression of mainstream culture, it’s inevitable for them to confront unceasing struggles and resistance.多元文化教育運動員壓迫肯認Multicultural EducationAtheletesOppressionRecognition不起眼的戰士:從多元文化教育觀點探究學業成功運動員的學習經驗與生涯選擇A Study of Academically Successful Atheletes Learning Experience and Career Choice with Multicultural Education Perspectives.