葉韻翠2014-10-272014-10-272009-05-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/23745新加坡政府大力介入的文化地景變造蘊含了強烈的國家企圖。為了對夾峙於周圍的馬、印兩大族裔國族主義國家造成的壓迫,及國內多元族群所潛藏的國家不穩定因 素作出回應,新加坡政府倡導公民國族主義作為柔性反制,而文化地景的重新編寫則為其中一項強而有力的手段。本文的研究目的主要欲自地理學對於地景的解讀觀 點出發,探討官方在組屋政策中推動的國族政治。研究結果顯示,在土地國有化的過程中,傳統族群聚居的地景被強制解構、破除,移殖政策將各族人民整合混居在 政府組屋之中,藉以促進族群互動與和諧。在組屋工程的推動之下,林立的高樓組屋住宅區或是新市鎮地景成為現代化下新加坡的最佳寫照,組屋社區成為可以代表 新加坡的國家意象,組屋生活則成為新加坡人不分族群共有的生活方式。新市鎮內部層層規劃的公共社會空間,提供組屋居民進行社交活動的場所,以促進新的地緣 關係形成。此外,公民諮詢委員會、民眾聯絡所管理委員會、居民委員會等組織,都在新的現代化生活中共同推動社區凝聚力與國家意識。The Singapore government has been intervening in changes of cultural landscapes with strong national attempts. In order to react to the pressure of Malaysian and Indonesian ethnic nationalism and internal multiethnic society, the Singapore government advocates civic nationalism as a gentle response. Rewriting cultural landscapes is one of her powerful means. This study mainly looks into the nation politics under the government’s housing policy, and with the view of geography. The result shows that in the process of land nationalization, traditional ethnic enclaves were forced to deconstruction. And through resettlement policy , people were mixed within the public housing to promote racial interacts and racial harmony. Under the construction of public housing, high-rise housing estates or new towns became the best portrait of the modern Singapore. Public housing became Singapore’s image, public housing living became all Singaporean’s common way of life. The classification of public spaces within new towns can serve as social spaces to promote the new geo-relationship. Besides, CCCs, CCMCs and RCs together promote community cohesiveness and national consciousness.新加坡公共組屋國族主義認同SingaporePublic housingNationalismIdentity新加坡組屋政策中的國族政治Nation Politics of Public Housing Policy in Singapore