石明宗Shih, Ming-Tsung林國欽LIN KUO HSIN2019-09-052012-06-272019-09-052012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0598303311%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105455本研究主要目的為:一、桃園縣國中體育教師領導風格與學生參與動機之現況。二、不同背景學生對體育教師領導風格及學生參與動機之差異情形。三、探討國中體育教師領導風格與學生參與動機之相關性。本研究採問卷調查法,以桃園縣分層隨機抽測六所國中,發放360份問卷,得有效問卷352份,可用率97.8%,透過「體育教師領導風格量表」與「體育課參與動機量表」為研究工具,依據資料分析結果,獲得研究結論如下: (一)體育教師領導風格中「轉型領導」層面得分最高,「非交易領導」 層面得分最低;學生參與動機方面以「內在動機」層面得分最高, 「無動機」層面得分最低。 (二)1.不同性別與年級別學生在「轉型」與「交易」領導層面達顯著差 異,且男生高於女生,七年級高於八、九年級;而「非交易領導」 層面上未達顯著差異。2.不同性別學生在「內在」、「外在」動機層 面上達顯著差異,且男生高於女生,在「無動機」層面上未達顯著 差異;而不同年級別學生在動機各層面均達顯著差異。 (三)轉型與交易領導在「內在」及「外在」動機層面彼此呈顯著正相關; 轉型領導在「無動機」層面呈現顯著負相關,交易領導在「無動機」 層面未達顯著差異;非交易領導風格在「內在」與「外在」動機未 達顯著差異,在「無動機」層面呈現正相關。The main purposes of this study were threefold as follow: 1.To investigate the role of the leading style of PE teachers in participation motivation of students. 2.To compare participation motivation in different socioeconomic status students toward the certain leading style of PE teachers. 3.To discuss the correlation between the” Leading style of PE teachers” and “Participation motivation of students”.This research involved a questionnaire survey by stratified random sampling, and 6 schools of 352 secondary school students participated in the study. We used “Leading Styles of PE Teacher Scale” and “Participation Motivation in PE Class Scale” as our research tools. The results of this study were the followings: 1.The variables “Transformational leadership” got the highest score and “Non- transformational leadership” got the lowest score. In “Learning motivation of students” the variables “Internal motivation” got the highest score, and “Non-motivation” got the lowest score. 2.a.The boy and the girl were different in such variables as “Transformational leadership” and “Transactional leadership”, also, the seventh, eighth, and ninth grade students were significantly different in “Transformational leadership” and “Transactional leadership”; also, no significant difference was founded in “Non-transaction leadership”. b.The boy and girl were significantly different in such factors as “Internal” and “External” motivation, and boys got higher score than girls. As to “Non-motivation”, no significant difference between boys and girls was founded. Different grades students were significantly different in “Motivation” factor. 3.“Transformational leadership” and “Transactional leadership” were significantly positive correlation in such factor as “Internal motivation” and “External motivation”. “Transformational leadership” was significantly negative correlation in “Non- motivation”. “Transactional leadership” was not significantly different in “Non-motivation”. “Non- transactional leadership” was not significantly different in “Internal motivation” and “External motivation” factors, but in “Non-motivation”, positive correlation轉型領導交易領導參與動機自我決定論transformationai leadershiptransactional leadershipparticipation motivationself-decision桃園縣國中體育教師領導風格與學生參與動機之研究The Study of Leading Style of PE Teachers and Participation Motivation of Students in Taoyuan Secondary School