林至誠Lin, Chih-cheng林嘉安Lin, Chia-An2024-12-172029-07-232024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/05f727760f6018ff902c5fe401f18067/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/123108聽力對英語為外語的學習者來說是一項基本卻複雜的能力,而字彙是提升聽力的關鍵之一,但學習者常常在單字識別、詞彙應用與理解口語對話上遇到困難。為了幫助學習者習得字彙並提升聽力技巧,多媒體和行動科技輔助語言學習是常用的學習方法。然而,透過結合兩個行動科技輔助語言之應用程式來探索字彙在聽力當中的成效的研究較少。因此,本研究的目的是藉由科技接受模式的理論來檢驗在兩款應用程式-Quizlet和Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab的輔助之下,字彙學習能如何提升聽力。 參與本研究的受試者為高中生。進行為期十二週在課堂內外使用Quizlet和Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab的字彙與聽力學習後,受試者須填寫問卷,而此問卷包含六個面向-應用程式特色、知覺有用性、知覺易用性、行為意圖、字彙成績及聽力成績。經由偏最小平方法的結構方程模式分析問卷數據後,本研究以測量模式和結構模式呈現研究結果。 研究結果顯示,本研究所提出的模式在測量模式方面確立了各面向的信度及效度。另一方面,在結構模式中,八個假設中有六個得到了支持。在所有假設中,聽力成績受字彙成績的正向影響最顯著,說明了字彙在聽力理解中的重要性。此外,知覺有用性受應用程式特色的正向影響最顯著,解釋了兩款應用程式的結合對學生來說是有用的。最後,行為意圖沒有直接影響聽力成績;然而,透過字彙成績,它間接影響聽力成績,說明了行為意圖需透過字彙學習才能提高聽力成绩。本研究詳細說明了研究结果和討論。最後,本研究提供了使用應用程式來提升字彙及聽力的外語教學建議,以及包含本研究的限制與未來研究方向之建議。Vocabulary knowledge is the key to improving L2 listening, an essential but complex skill, but learners often struggle with word recognition, applying vocabulary, and interpreting spoken language. To help learners acquire vocabulary and improve listening skills, multimedia and mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) are commonly-used approaches. However, research exploring the role of vocabulary knowledge in listening comprehension by combining two mobile learning applications is little. Thus, the aim of the study is to examine how listening can be enhanced through vocabulary learning with an assistance of two applications, Quizlet and Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab, under the framework of technology acceptance model. Participants were recruited from senior high school. With a twelve-week intervention using Quizlet and Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab inside and outside the classroom, participants were required to fill in the scale consisting of six constructs – features of applications, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, behavioral intention, vocabulary scores and listening scores. Quantitative data collected from thequestionnaire were analyzed by partial-least-squares SEM (PLS-SEM) to provide the measurement model and the structural model.Results showed that constructs in the proposed model are validated in terms of the measurement model, confirming great reliability and validity. On the other hand, in the structural model, six out of eight hypotheses were supported. Among all the paths, listening scores was positively and significantly influenced by vocabulary scores with a large effect, showing the importance of vocabulary knowledge in listening comprehension. Also, perceived usefulness was positively and significantly influenced by features of applications with a large effect, demonstrating that the combination of the two applications was useful for participants. Last but not least, behavioral intention did not directly influence listening scores; however, through vocabulary scores, it indirectly influenced listening scores, better predicting achievements in listening through vocabulary. Detailed findings and discussion were provided in the paper. Finally, pedagogical implications from this study may shed lights on effects of mobile applications on learning achievements, and limitations and suggestions were included for future research.行動科技輔助字彙與聽力學習科技接受模式結構方程模式Mobile-assisted listening and vocabulary learningTechnology acceptance modelStructural equation modeling探究行動科技輔助字彙學習對高中生聽力理解之成效:結構方程模式之分析Examining the Effectiveness of Mobile-Assisted Vocabulary Learning in Enhancing Listening Comprehension in Senior High School: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach學術論文