甄曉蘭Chen, Hsiao-Lan何宜璇Ho, Yi-Hsuan2019-08-282018-03-202019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0504004120%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89557教學現場英語學習的雙峰現象越趨嚴重,在傳統單一教學方式下,英語學習高成就學生缺乏挑戰,低成就學生因為學習落後而動機低落,面對此一挑戰,教師需要依照學生的個別差異因材施教,協助學生學習。本研究藉由差異化教學融入國中英語課程,來探討教師的改變及調整教學方案的歷程,透過教學方案發展、行動實踐、觀察回饋、反思調整的行動研究,了解差異化教學對於學生的英語學習動機和學習表現之影響。研究時程為三個月,執行五個單元的課程內容,研究對象為桃園某國中七年級之一班學生,共計28名。以英語學習動機量表為研究工具,加上英語能力之評估。依據學生英語學習情況分為MVP三組(分別代表學習成就低、中、高的學生),設計差異化教學方案。過程中蒐集資料,以質性資料為主、量化分析為輔,了解教學方案之實施情形,以及學生學習動機和學習表現提升與否。 本研究結果如下: 壹、看見學生需求,提供學習鷹架輔助,有助於學生的理解和學習 貳、考量學習風格和興趣及多元智能,提供多元化媒材和教學方式 參、多元評量使學生投入教學活動,且教師能持續評估學生學習情形 肆、學生產生積極的學習態度,課堂中師生互動增加,滿足情意的教學目標 伍、差異化教學可提升學生英語學習動機,對低分組學生效果最好 陸、學生的學習成就表現須長時間觀察和追蹤The discrepancy of English learning is serious, but most teachers give instruction in a traditional way. High achievers have no sense of challenge, while low achievers have no motivation because of the long-term frustration from the experience of learning. With the challenge in class, a teacher should teach students in a way suitable for the needs of every student to help them learn English. This study aims to explore the changes of a teacher, the process of modifying teaching, and the influence on students’ motivation and achievement by integrating differentiated instruction into English classes. The researcher, as a teacher, carried out an action research on five units, lasted for three months, five classes per week and forty-five minutes per period. Through the process of “planning-action-observing-reflection”, the teacher reflected, adjusted, and used a variety of methods and activities. Participants are twenty-eight seventh graders in Taoyuan. The students were divided into three groups(MVP, standing for low, middle and high achievers). Data were collected by observations, interviews, feedbacks, students’ worksheet portfolios, researcher’s reflections, as well as the motivation questionnaire and English test. The results of the study are as follows: 1. Scaffoldings were provided to meet students’ needs and assist learning. 2. Various materials and methods were based on students’ interest and learning style. 3. Flexible assessment made students participate, and kept track of students’ learning. 4. Students had positive attitude, interacted frequently with the teacher and classmates. 5. The instruction enhanced English motivation, especially for lower achievers. 6. Students’ learning achievement should be observed and tracked for a long time.差異化教學英語學習動機differentiated instructionEnglish learning motivation差異化教學融入國中英語課程之行動研究Action Research on Integrating Differentiated Instruction into English Class in a Junior High School