胡綺珍Hu, Kelly陳鈺盈CHEN, Yu-Ying2023-12-082022-08-162023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/5630443c023b82636ae343526fc59c90/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/1189312018年8月26日騰訊視頻翻拍韓國綜藝《Heart Signal》,播出《心動的信號》素人戀愛觀察類真人秀節目。自節目播出後,短短不到一年的時間,中國的三大電視台與著名OTT平台,都接連製播了此類型節目,掀起素人戀愛觀察類真人秀節目風潮。節目透過素人們在信號小屋內的情感公開展演,窺探現代中國青年男女的戀愛觀,再加入觀察室藝人們作為情感「專家」,對於素人們的言行進行觀察討論,引導節目觀眾對於處理戀愛社交關係進行思考。本研究主要針對結合中國婚戀型節目與觀察類真人秀特性的中國素人戀愛觀察類真人秀節目《心動的信號》進行文本分析,探討「小屋素人戀愛」與「觀察室藝人推理分析」兩獨立敘事空間,分別在節目上扮演的角色與其功能性,節目如何操作兩者的敘事內容,樹立節目的日常生活真實性。而後總結兩者結合所建構的獨特媒體景觀,第一部分分析節目如何締造如偶像劇般的浪漫愛情,第二部分探究受消費主義影響下愛情商品化的體現,以及節目如何被型塑為另類的情緒商品。接著探討節目如何順應中國CP文化風潮,炒作節目官方CP組合,借CP效應來造就閱聽眾對節目的反響。最後提出節目敘事如何作為愛情指南,策展中國都會青年男女的主流愛情觀點。On August 26, 2018, Tencent Video remade the South Korean variety show Heart Signal and broadcast the Chinese dating reality show Heart Signal. China's three major TV stations and famous OTT platforms successively produced and broadcast this type of program, which set off the trend of the Chinese dating reality show in less than one year from the program was broadcast onward. Through the emotional public performance of the ordinary people in the house, the program peeks into the love concept of modern Chinese young men and women, and invites the celebrities in the observation room as emotional "experts" to observe and discuss the behavior ofthe ordinary people, leading the audience to think about how to deal with love and social relations.The study is aimed at the Chinese dating reality show Heart Signal, which is combining Chinese dating show and observational reality shows for text analysis. To explore"ordinary people’s love in the house" and "celebrities’ talks in observation room" two independent narrative space, respectively on the show's role and its functionality. The first part demonstrates how shows operate both the content of the narrative, and establishs the daily reality of the program. The second part summarizes the unique mediascape constructed by the combination of the two, and shoes how the program creates romantic love like idol drama, the commodification of love under the influence of consumerism, and how the program is shaped as an alternative emotional commodities. The third part conforms to the CP culture trend of China, hypes the official CP combination of the program, and makes use of the CP effect to create audience's response to the program. Finally, it analyzes how the narration of the program serves as a love guide to curate the mainstream love views of young men and women in urban China.中國婚戀型節目觀察類真人秀偶像劇浪漫愛CP文化愛情商品化Chinese dating reality showobservational reality showsromantic love of idol dramaCP cultureemotional commodities of love《心動的信號》:型塑浪漫愛情指南的中國素人戀愛觀察類真人秀節目"Heart Signal”: A Guide to Romantic Love in Chinese Dating Reality Showetd