周儒博士Ju Chou, Ph. D.向麗容Li-rong Shiang2019-09-052007-7-312019-09-052007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0690460153%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103644在全球倡議環境教育及生態保育的國際思潮下,提升社會大眾環境意識是現代自然史博物館新興的教育使命及目標。博物館透過活動規劃設計、解說導覽等途徑推廣環境教育的理念,環境教育理念的落實有賴於教育人員的專業知能,而專業知能的提昇則必須藉由有效的訓練活動,方能確保環境教育目標的實踐。因此,本研究針對自然史博物館推行環境教育的角色與任務為出發點,探討教育人員所應具備的環境教育專業知能內涵、專業發展訓練之需求,以作為提昇博物館及教育人員在環境教育推展工作的專業地位與角色之參考依據。 為了達成研究目的,本研究從文獻彙整出環境教育專業知能的內容,並歸納成環境教育基礎認知、環境科學概念、環境教育能力、環境教育課程規劃與教學技能、教育和心理學基礎認知五大層面,以問卷形式調查臺灣四座大型公立自然史博物館(國立自然科學博物館、國立臺灣博物館、國立海洋生物博物館、台北市立動物園)的教育人員。研究結果發現,自然史博物館教育人員對於具備正面的環境態度和環境教育使命感表達了共識與需求,但囿於博物館屬性、個人學科背景、工作應用性、專業訓練缺乏、訓練課程欠缺系統性等因素,博物館教育人員對於環境教育專業知能的認知以及專業發展訓練課程內容之需求皆偏重在環境科學概念。因此,博物館應重新省思在推動社會環境教育的目標與做法,規劃兼重認知、情意、技能三個層面的環境教育專業發展課程,培養具備環境素養及環境教育專業知能的教育人員。With the international trend of environmental education and conservation of ecosystems advocated worldwide, it is an oncoming educational mission as well as a goal of a modern museum of natural history to raise public awareness of the environment. Museums promote the idea of environmental education by means of activity planning and design, guided tour and so forth, while carrying out the mission of environmental education indeed counts on professional competencies of educators. In order to ensure the achievement of the goal of environmental education, advancing professional competencies must be conducted by effective educational training. Hence, based on the role and the mission of museum of natural history in promoting environmental education, this research will discuss the need of training in professional competencies and professional development on environmental education required for educators, to give a theoretical basis on the professional status and the role of promotion of environmental education for museums as well as educators. In order to serve the purpose, this research organizes the contents of professional competencies about environmental education from related literature, and categorizes them into the following five aspects, basic awareness of environmental education, ideas of environmental science, competence of environmental education, program design and teaching skills of environmental education, and basic knowledge of education as well as psychology. According to the investigation in the form of questionnaires from educators at four large size public museums of natural history (National Museum of Natural Science, National Taiwan Museum, National Museum of Marine Biology& Aquarium, Taipei Zoo), it is found that educators at museums of natural history expressed a common need and consensus about being equipped with positive attitude toward the environment as well as the sense of responsibility for environmental education. However, confined to such factors as the nature of the museum, individual educational background, job application, the lack of professional training, the lack of systematic training course and so forth, the focus of the awareness of professionalcompetencies of environmental education and the need of the professional training course is placed on the basic ideas of environmental science. Therefore, museums should again reflect upon the goal and practices of promoting environmental education in society, designing professional training courses which will cover cognition, emotions, and skills, and equip educators with environmental literacy along with professional competencies of environmental education.博物館教育人員環境教育專業知能專業發展Museum EducatorProfessional Competencies of Environmental EducationProfessional Development臺灣自然史博物館教育人員環境教育專業知能與發展之需求A Research on Needs of Environmental Education Professional Competency and Development Required by Educators in Natural History Museums of Taiwan