紀俊臣王維偉2019-08-282011-8-302019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0093102018%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/854982010年12月25日我國經由縣(市)改制為直轄市,確立五都的行政區劃工程後,依地方制度法之規定,其轄下的次級地方政府組織也隨之調整,影響所及共有108個鄉(鎮、市)級自治法人地位遭到裁撤而改制為區,1388位鄉(鎮、市)民代表之民意代表身分亦受影響而轉任無給職之區政諮詢委員,對於習慣草根民主之基層運作模式是極大的改變與挑戰。 改制直轄市,是為因應近年兩岸交流頻繁及國際政經快速變遷,期望藉由區域的結構化,來提升城市競爭力;但五都並立,將直轄市的規模朝向大型都會擴張,反而使基層民意傳遞的管道被拉長,疏離了基層民眾與地方政府間的情感,同時區公所轉型為派出機關,回應民意的行政效率也不見提升,在無權無錢但有責的情況下,基層公務人員士氣明顯降低, 2011年6月新北市政府研考會針對上任半年所做的民意調查即顯示,有超過八成的市民對新北市改制升格『無感』!81%的新北市民覺得改制後與過去並沒改變,也沒有印象深刻的政策。 面對全新的地方行政區劃,勢必也要思考更周延有效的地方治理模式,才能滿足人民對改制後,生活機能與社會福利改善的期待;不僅要整合發展出屬於各自的特色,帶動區域性發展,重視行政效率與行政效能的提升,強化區公所成為第一線服務的有機體,更要兼顧基層民意反映與基層問政空間縮小的解決方案,才能興利除弊,透過整併小鄉鎮的行政區劃工程,解決過去基層鄉鎮遭人詬病的自治條件不足與黑金、派系等問題,具體提升地方競爭力與自治成效。 過渡性設計的區政諮詢委員會,經過地方的實證經驗,似乎也展現出其存在的溝通平台價值與功能,如能妥善運用,透過制度化設計,必可達到充分反映民眾意見、理解地方文化與建設需求並達成增加基層問政舞台、培養基層人才的民主意義。從城市競爭的角度,我們實在沒有虛耗的本錢,只有大步向前,積極開發在地的特色與資源,才能帶領台灣邁向全球化競爭的時代。December 25, 2010 in Taiwan by the county(city) restructuring project for the municipality to establish administrative divisions for the five municipalities, the local system of law in accordance with the provisions of its local government organizations under the secondary also will be adjusted, affect the reach of 108 townships(town, city) level of autonomy was abolished and the legal status of restructuring the district, 1388 the township (town, city) people's elected representatives on behalf of identity is also affected and transferred to the staff of the District government without consulting members, for the habits of the primary mode of operation of local democracy is a great change and challenge. Restructuring of municipalities, in order to cross-strait exchanges in recent years in response to frequent and rapid international political and economic changes, we expect structured by region to enhance urban competitiveness; For the five municipalities, side by side, the scale toward "large city" expansion, but public opinion at the grassroots level to pass the pipe to be stretched, and alienating the grass-roots feeling among local governments. At the same time, sent authorities to the district office restructuring to respond to public opinion did not improve administrative efficiency, without authorization, but no budget to bear the responsibility of the case, significantly lower the morale of the grass-roots public servants, in June 2011 the New Taipei City RDEC took six months for doing the survey that shows more than 80% of people upgrading to the new restructuring in Taipei City, "no feeling!" The face of the new local administrative divisions, is bound to have to think more circumspect effective local governance in order to meet the expectations of the people after the reform of the social welfare function and to improve the living; Not only to integrate、develop the characteristics belonging to the municipalities, promote regional development,to emphasis on administrative efficiency and improve administrative efficiency, strengthen the district office to become the first line services organisms, But also to take into account local and grass-roots politics and public opinion, the opportunity of solutions, in order to better bring the small towns through consolidation of administrative divisions of engineering solutions in the past townships being criticized black gold, faction, inadequate conditions of autonomy and other issues. Transitional design of the District government advisory committee, after parts of the empirical evidence, seems to show the value of its existence and function of the communication platform, If properly used, through the systematic design, will be to fully reflect public opinion and understanding of local culture and the meaning of democracy-building needs to increase and reached a stage of primary politics, grassroots politics to develop talent. Competition from the city's point of view, there is really no wasted the capital, only a big step forward, and actively develop the characteristics of land and resources in order to lead Taiwan into a global competition era區政諮詢委員直轄市區自治地方自治Region Advisory CommitteeMunicipalitiesDistrict autonomyLocal self-government區政諮詢委員會腳色之研究---以新北市中和區為例