洪儷瑜Hung, Li-Yu李佩臻Li, Pei-Chen2019-08-282017-02-252019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060209004E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91483本研究旨在瞭解如何將差異化教學實施於跨年級國語補救教學之中,採用行動研究,在一偏鄉小校對國小三、四年級學生進行一學期的教學課程,探討課程設計的方式,過程中遇到的困難及解決方法,以及學生的學習表現。本研究之發現與結論如下: 一、 在跨年級國語補救教學進行差異化教學設計時,可以把評量工具、閱讀策略、差異化調整、支持教學運作要項等四點為重要參考。 (一) 使用標準化測驗工具可以快速掌握學生的語文能力,規畫適合學生需求的補救教學課程,再透過課堂反應及形成性評量做為差異化調整的依據。 (二) 閱讀策略可做為國語補救教學的教學主軸設計,將各年級課的課程運用相同策略設計教學。 (三) 差異化教學的調整重點應配合學生對閱讀策略的精熟程度,初期可先從「成果」做調整,對學生學習歷程的影響較小。 (四) 教室環境、班級常規與例行事務、自學活動和工作等結構化都是支持差異化教學運作的要項。 二、 行動過程中遇到的問題與各階段執行目的大致相符,歷經班級規範與例行事務、課程與教學的問題,到最後面臨其他非預期的狀況,都因為一次只處理一項主要事件,而逐步解決,只是,初期需要較多時間處理,下一階段僅小幅度調整即可。 三、 學生在差異化教學下的國語補救教學表現: (一) 整體學生的識字、聽寫進步情形優於閱讀理解。 (二) 不同年級和閱讀能力學生的學習速度不同。 (三) 閱讀能力弱的學生在基礎閱讀能力獲得提升,閱讀能力佳的學生則在學校月考成績有顯著進步。 (四) 學生最後對自己學習能夠展現自信,且願意獨立學習和增加學習動機。 最後,本研究基於研究發現、討論,對未來研究以及實務工作提出相關建議,以供參考。This study aims to implement differentiated instruction on multi-grade Chinese remedial class by action research. The study is taken place in a remedial afterschool class combining 3rd and 4th grade students in a rural elementary school which takes one semester, in order to find out the possible implementation model, difficulties and solutions. The findings and conclusion are as followed. I. When designing multi-grade Chinese remediation differentiated instruction, assessment tools, reading strategies, differentiated adaption, and major support to instruction are discussed as follow: a. The standardized assessment works as tools to help the researcher to understand students’ reading ability as the base of preparation of remediation curriculum that fits student’s needs. Then, the students’ reaction to instruction and their performance of formative assessments in class leading the modification of differentiated instruction. b. Reading strategies can be used as the main topic for Chinese remediation, which can fit the curriculum guideline for all grades. c. The main modification for differentiated instruction should depend on students’ mastery on reading strategy. The modification of product of learning is recommended in the beginning stage of multi-grade instruction, because it makes less influence to students. d. The key components to support differentiated instruction consist of the structured classroom environment, structured class rules, structured daily routines, and structured self-learning. II. During this process of research, the problem can work as the purpose of the study in that stage. There are four stages concluded: building rules and daily routines in the class, establishing suitable curriculum and instruction, then dealing the unexpected problems. Researcher focuses on only one major event to cope at one time, then, those problems are solved gradually. It takes longer time to deal with problem in the beginning stage; however, only minor modification is needed on the following phrase. III. Students’ performances of the differentiated Chinese remediation are as follow: a. Overall students’ word recognition, dictation make more progress than reading comprehension. b. Students of different grade or those with reading abilities result in different learning progress. c. The basic reading abilities of poor readers improve, while good readers make progress not only basic reading abilities but also monthly test results. d. In the end of the remediation, students show confidence on their learning progress and willing to study independently, and their learning motivation are enhanced. The recommendations to practice or research of multi grade instruction are made on the basis of the findings above.差異化教學國語補救教學跨年級閱讀策略偏鄉教育differentiated instructionchinese remediationmulti-gradereading strategiesrural education偏鄉國小跨年級國語補救教學實施差異化教學之行動研究The Implementation of Differentiated Instruction in the Chinese Multi-Grade Remediation:Action Research in A Rural Elementary School