黃進龍嚴靖傑2020-12-10不公開2020-12-102010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695600394%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115346在十八世紀工業革命發展之後,人類的生活快速演變到另一個層次。人類的歷史記憶也一分一秒不斷的在改變。人類對於記錄生命的方式也因為科技進步不斷更新與多樣。十九世紀初,史蒂文生成功發明了列車,人們可以快速的遷移和搬運物資,一切的生活步調開始大大的改變,便利的交通快速的將各地的文化串聯,至今,世界上的重要都市都已擁有大量的大眾交通工具,進一步的發展出鐵路地下化、電氣化,短程的捷運,長程的高鐵也都孕育而生。使大家在往來各地都節省不少時間。人們不論工作、旅遊、返鄉等等都因節省了時間而增加更多便利的選項和可能性。這些本來只在單一地點附近生存的人們,因為交通有了更多的選擇,因此生命的記憶更豐富了許多。十九世紀末至二十世紀初期的電視發明,無疑也是人類記憶歷史上的重要里程,而音響、錄音影帶,甚至光碟都使人類在記錄時間上有了更有效率的保存方式,這些保存的方式即是一種記錄人類記憶的途徑。 筆者的創作以「記憶」為主題,將對於「記憶」的觀照轉化為圖像,在此篇論文中,筆者詳細的說明筆者創作的動機,以及說明「記憶」對於筆者的深刻感受。並描述筆者對於記憶轉化為美的作品的過程。 在第二章筆者討論有關「記憶、時間、存在」等等議題和「象徵主義」、「超現實主義」的關聯。還有在創作中為使記憶的感覺突顯而使用的元素。 第三章呈現筆者的創作內容、形式、技法與媒材。創作作品前的前置作業,製作模型加以摹寫。 第四章是作品介紹,將各個作品的構圖內含以及故事性做一說明。 第五章 總結此創作論文和作品完成之心得以及對未來創作之展望。After the Industrial Revolution in 18th century, Human life was raised into another level rapidly.History was changed in every second as well.Because of the advance of technique, people have verity of way to hold their memory.In early 19th century, after George Stephenson invented a train, People could move faster and transport their packages by train. The pace of life was changed a lot.Cultures all around the world were connected by the convenience of traffic.Nowadays, there are large amount of public transits in all the important cities all around the world.People developed transit into underground, electricity, short range transit; long range transit was made as well.It Saves time when people move into different places.For the Convenience of transit, people have more choice when they are working, traveling, and visiting their hometown.People get different experiences and get large amount of memories after they could travel in various places in very short time. Another important millstone for human memory during the end of 19th to the beginning of 20th century, was that people used tapes and CDs to hold their memories more efficiently. The writer’s works is based on the topic “memory”, and he transformed the topic into images.In this paper, the writer will explain the Intention of his works and what his thought for this topic he chose.In addition, He will explain the process that how to turn this topic into several beautiful works.In chapter two, the writer will talk about how memory, time, and Existence were connected with Symbolism and Surrealism.The elements to make these works stand out will be disscus in chapter two as well.記憶列車memorytrain記憶拼圖之創作研究The Research of the Creative Work "Memory Puzzle"