黃迺毓Huang, Nai-Yu陳怡葦Chen, Yi-Wei2019-08-282019-06-262019-08-282019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060406007E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86751本研究旨在探討在教會實施青少年家庭教育課程對增進教會青少年親子關係的影響,探討課程實際應用情形,並提供修正,以及從參與課程之學員、協同合作者,以及家長之回應中探討課程的成效,並了解家庭教育課程在教會實施的機會與挑戰。本研究使用國立台灣師範大學人發系黃迺毓教授帶領研發、由教育部出版之青少年家庭教育課程「編織幸福家課程」作為研究工具,帶領教會青少年進行為期六週之課程,研究者使用課堂觀察、學習單、課程中及課程結束五個月後之訪談等質性資料進行分析,得到之研究結果如下: 一、 青少年家庭教育課程對青少年勾勒家庭藍圖、理解父母的愛、關心父母的需要、與父母溝通、解決衝突等層面的知能及技能有實際幫助,並於課程後五個月持續有影響力。青少年能帶動親子關係的改變,在關係中產生正向循環,家庭親子衝突較大者,關係上的改善尤其明顯。 二、 青少年家庭教育課程在教會中應用的可行性:教會擁有成熟的社會支持系統、重視家庭的信仰價值觀、加上教會所接觸之青少年、家長、主日學老師等群體對青少年家庭教育課程有強烈需求。教會為一適合推動家庭教育的地方,課程的應用與發展性高。 三、 青少年家庭教育課程在教會實施面臨的挑戰:青少年的信仰背景、家庭情形、個人特殊情況會影響老師分享的課程內容,上課環境、班級秩序,及家長未有相應對的知能和技巧,都會影響到學生吸收程度及應用所學的樣貌。This study aims to explore the impact of promoting parent-adolescent relationship by carrying out youth family education courses in churches. This study explored the practical application of Family Education courses and provides corrections. This study also helps notice the chance and challenges of Family Education Program in church by the responds provided by the participants, co-workers, and parents. This study used the youth family education course "Weaving A Sweet Home Course" published by the Ministry of Education, a research course lead by National Family Education Department of the National Taiwan Normal University, Professor Nai-Yu Huang, as research tool. Researchers made church teens attend a 6-week course, and analyze the result by in-class observation, worksheet, and interviews during and after class. The results in this study are as follows: 1. The youth family education course give practical help for young people to draw their family blueprints, and to feel their parents' love, care for their parents' needs, communicate with their parents, and resolve parent-adolescent conflicts. It will continue to be influential for five months after the course. Study show adolescents can lead changes in parent-child relationships, and to provide a positive cycle in family relationships. The positive improvements of parent-child relationship are much more significant in families facing more serious parent-child conflicts. 2. About the feasibility of the youth family education curriculum to put into practice in churches: There are mature social support systems and family values based on belief in churches. In addition, the parents, Sunday school teachers and the teenagers in churches all have a strong demand to youth family education courses. So church are suitable places for promoting a capable and growth-oriented family education. 3. Challenges of the youth family education course in churches: The challenges include the youth's religious belief, family situation, and personal circumstances will all affect the teacher's sharing. Class environment, class order, and the parents’ corresponding knowledge and skills will affect the students’ absorption and application of the knowledge in class.青少年親子關係家庭生活教育子職教育行動研究教會parent-adolescent relationshipfamily life educationfilial educationaction researchchurch青少年家庭生活教育課程對教會青少年親子關係之影響—以「編織幸福家」課程為例Promoting family relationship of early adolescents by implementing Family Life Education curriculum — a case study of Weaving A Sweet Home Course