翁佳芬陳育諄2019-09-062014-7-292019-09-062014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097903106%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108431泰爾菲(Nancy Telfer, 1950- )為加拿大知名作曲家及合唱指揮,她自幼就對音樂深感興趣,六歲開始學習鋼琴,十四歲學習法國號,十九歲參加合唱團,兩年的合唱經驗使得泰爾菲愛上合唱音樂,並讓那份熱度持續到現在。二十七歲那年完成了生平的第一件作品後,泰爾菲意識到自己應該要成為一名作曲家,二十九歲起成為全職且能量豐沛的作曲家,迄今創作了三百餘首各類作品,分別在世界各地被演出。 《簡短彌撒曲》完成於一九八三年,是一部無伴奏女聲三部合唱彌撒曲,作品於一九八五年由藍內爾(Lanel)音樂出版社發行後,許多合唱團相繼演出。這部作品包含四個樂章:〈垂憐曲〉、〈光榮頌〉、〈歡呼歌〉及〈羔羊讚〉。〈垂憐曲〉使用音堆及緊迫節奏表現出對於憐憫的迫切渴望;〈光榮頌〉在清晰的結構中表達出對天主熱切的讚美與懇求;〈歡呼歌〉使用原位三和絃貫穿頭尾,清楚紮實的三和弦聲響讓人們能更接近屬靈;〈羔羊讚〉在緩慢的律動中藉由音堆呈現悠遠情境,製造出崇高心靈的氛圍。全曲演出時間約為九至十分半鐘之間,適合音樂會或比賽之用。 本文共分為五章。第一章為前言;第二章為背景探究,分為兩節,第一節為彌撒曲簡介,第二節介紹作曲者泰爾菲生平及作品;第三章為創作手法分析,分為四節,依序論述四個樂章的創作手法;第四章為合唱教學與詮釋,亦分為四節,就各樂章之教學與詮釋進行探討並提供建議;第五章為本論文之結論。另有五則附錄:附錄一為拉丁文字母唸法一覽表;附錄二為《簡短彌撒曲》之經文歌詞翻譯;附錄三為泰爾菲已出版之合唱作品列表;附錄四為泰爾菲已出版之其他作品列表;附錄五為研究者與作曲家書信往來之電子郵件全文。Nancy Telfer (b. 1950- ) is a famous Canadian composer and choral conductor. She realized herself interested in music when she was young, she began piano at age 6, played the french horn at age 14 and joined her first choir when she was 19. Telfer fell in love with choral music after 2 years of choral experience, and decided to let such love of choral music continue in her life. Her first work has composed at age 27, after that, she realized that she should become a composer. Thus, she has become a full-time and productive composer since she was 29. Till now, Telfer has written more than 300 works and these pieces are performed around the world by many different choirs. Missa Brevis (Female, a cappella, SSA) was composed in 1983. Many choirs performed this work after it was published by Lenel Music Publishing in 1985. There are four movements in this work: Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei. In Kyrie, the tone clusters in moving tempo create a great deal of tension because the notes are so close together and the rhythms brought lots of energy. This tension expresses the urgent desire for mercy. In Gloria, it expresses the fervent praise and supplication to God in a clear structure. In Sanctus, using Trinity throughout the entire whole work, triads in root position create a spiritual sound and opens us up to all spiritual possibilities. In Agnus Dei, the clusters are very relaxed because of the slower moving of sound and even rhythms. Because the pitches are so close together, a halo of sound is created by each cluster giving a spiritual ambience. This thesis consists of five chapters: The first chapter is the introduction. Chapter two reviews the research background. There are two sections, the first section is the development of Mass, next section introduces the background of Telfer life and works; Chapter three analyzes the compositional techniques Telfer used in Missa Brevis, and turns into four parts in discussion specifically. Likewise, Chapter four also includes four sections that discuss the choral rehearsal and interpretation of the piece. Finaly, the conclusions is drawn in chapter five. In addition, five appendixes are attached to this thesis: appendix one is a table of pronunciations for Latin; appendix two is the Chinese translation of Missa Brevis; appendix three is a list of Telfer’s current published chorus works; appendix four is a list of Telfer’s other current published works; lastly, appendix five is the complete Email correspondence between the author and the composer for this research study.泰爾菲簡短彌撒曲TelferMissa Brevis泰爾菲《簡短彌撒曲》之音樂分析與詮釋