國立臺灣師範大學體育學系黃騰丘方進隆何金山2016-08-042016-08-042008-12-011815-638Xhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/79189目的:比較大專游泳選手與一般學生運動前後的脈波傳導速率的差異性。方法:本研究的受試者為10名受過良好大學游泳訓練的男子選手(實驗組,帄均年齡20.90±1.29歲)及10名一般學生(控制組,20.30±0.48歲)。受試者填寫受試者同意書及各項基本資料後,靜躺10分鐘、並量測兩分鐘的心跳率及脈波傳導速率;進行15公尺來回跑測驗(PACER test),並量測脈波傳導速率5分鐘。以獨立樣本t考驗分析兩組間各變項間的差異,顯著水準設定為α=.05。結果:游泳選手的心跳率顯著低於一般學生,15公尺來回跑測驗成績顯著高於一般學生(p<.05),但安靜時及運動後的脈波傳導速率,兩組沒有差別。結論:雖然游泳選手有較好的心肺適能及較低的心跳率,但脈波傳導速率與一般學生沒有不同。Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the difference of pulse wave velocity (PWV) between college swimmers and normal students. Methods: Ten well trained swimmers (20.90�1.29 yrs, SG) and 10 normal students (20.30�0.48 yrs, CG) volunteered as the subjects. After signing consent forms and filling the basic data, subjects were asked to lie down for 10 minutes and take 2 minutes PWV measurement. Then a 15 meter PACER test and 5 minutes PWV tested. Independent t-test was used to test the difference of blood pressure (BP), PWV, heart rate (HR), and 15 meter pacer distance run between two groups. The alpha level was set on .05. Results: Swimmers have significant lower HR and higher pacer test scores. Both SG and CG have significant decreased in PWV after pacer test. No differences were found on PWV between two groups. Conclusions: Although swimmers have better cardiovascular fitness and lower HR, their pulse wave velocity had no difference from normal students.游泳選手脈波傳導速率動脈順應性Swim athletePulse wave velocityPWVArterial compliance游泳選手與一般學生運動前後脈波傳導速率之比較A Comparison of Pulse Wave Velocity between College Swimmers and Normal Students