鄭詩宗Si-Tsong Tenn黃豑民Tiat-bin Ng2019-08-292016-8-302019-08-292011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696260103%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93324在工商繁忙的現代,生活步調的快速及人口老化加劇,使慢性病成為台灣社會的文明病。對於醫療照護體系的需求與依賴程度,與日俱增。台灣長期忽略本土母語--台語的重要,致使中高齡的母語患者,與慣用歐美語、華語進行醫學研究及臨床訓練的醫者,面臨醫療溝通時,形成相當程度的落差。彼此出現用語誤解,抑或病況說明 / 瞭解困難等問題。其癥結點在於兩者均未能熟悉醫學台語之使用。醫界長期忽視台語文的結果,影響病患的基本權益,造成病人的主體性失落,是長期研究醫病關係之相關研究者,必須深入探討的課題。 本研究主要從台語在醫學上的臨床使用為出發點,以探討慢性病常用的醫學台語語彙作為研究主題,運用文獻搜集、分析、歸納、訪談等研究方法,將近千條與慢性病相關之醫學台語詞條,進行彙整與建檔。希望透過此研究,幫助醫、病雙方,更能理解所使用的語言。並藉此研究成果,讓醫師與病人體認醫學台語在醫療行為的重要性,並增加醫、病者對醫學台語的知識。以期改善醫、病關係,降低兩者因語言使用所產生不必要的歧異與誤會,減少醫療糾紛,促進有效溝通,及對醫療情境的理解。 透過慢性病醫學台語的研究,發現經由本土母語的醫病溝通,對於患者的就醫協助,可以比生硬的專業醫學術語更具說服力。醫學台語能以具精密性的語義字詞,處理更細微的病情、身心感官等描述;因為華、台不同的文化背景,對某種特殊的身體語言有不同的解讀。如能善用醫學台語的之溝通技巧,在解釋病情或病人情緒失控時,讓本土的慢性病年長病人紓解身心、調節情緒,進而與醫師合作,共同達成疾病治療目標。鑑於台灣高齡化社會逐漸形成,「台語」又為國人生活主要語言之一,期盼能透過對於慢性病相關醫學台語語料的彙整、建檔。帶給醫病雙方實質的幫助。In modern times, work life or environmental conditions strongly influenced all Taiwanese people- for example, demographic transition towards ageing and the increasing population of chronic diseases. As a result, healthy caring and environmental quality has become one of the most important issues for our society. In the past time, our medical staff, doctors and nurses were used to communicate with patients in Chinese or English. They neglected the needs of elderly Taiwanese people or native speakers who didn’t master in using Chinese or English, which caused misunderstanding or they didn’t know what their doctors were talking about. Consequently, native speakers and the elderly patients couldn’t get good care from our medical systems, just because they are not familiar with doctor’s language using. The basic rights of medical treatment for native speaker patients were ignored. The purpose of this study is to explore the common medical vocabulary of chronic diseases in Taiwanese from medical communication. We use some research methods, such as collecting medical communication about chronic diseases between Taiwanese people or elders with their doctors, analyzing them, and interviewing some native speaker patience’s in Taiwanese’s to know their recognitions of chronic diseases about the explanations from their doctors. At last, we make a medical Taiwanese’s dictionary that collects more than ten thousand units of words section about chronic diseases. Through this research, first, we hope that it can help doctors and patients to have better understand with each other. Second, it can improve the relationship between doctor and patient by breaking the language restrictions. Third, it can reduce the unnecessary medical disputes, and promote effective communication, so that high medical care qualities can be implemented from now on.慢性病醫學台語台語醫學教育醫病關係chronic diseasemedical TaiwaneseTaiwanesemedical educationpatient-physician relationships慢性病醫學台語研究The Study of Medical Taiwanese Used in Chronic Disease