張子超教授洪若綾2019-09-052014-8-232019-09-052014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060046002S%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103623  面對環境問題,人類必須形成共識,同心協力尋求解決策略;不可否認環境教育也應教會學習者如何與群體協作。可惜學校教師常常被領域科目切割或缺少深刻互動的時間,飽嚐孤獨的滋味。本研究訪談九位中、小學教師,嘗試瞭解他們在環境教育教學中,如何與其他教師協作。藉由對教師經驗的認識,希望能探索環境教育者的專業成長需求,並得知教師協作與環境教育對彼此的意義。   本研究得出以下結論:環境教育本身的特質就讓教師們容易連結,適合協作。甚至透過環境教育的協作也能影響學校整體文化,促進教師們的專業成長。然而,環境教育者在學校中很難遇到相同專業背景的同儕,讓他們在環境教育的推動上,必須跨出學校的圍牆找尋夥伴,或在校內扮演促進者的角色。雖然教師間有許多團隊互動的機會,卻只能呈現部分的協作特性,其中尤其缺乏對彼此專業成長的支持。行政領導階層與教師間的隔閡也容易造成消極的協作環境。   協作是一個困難但別具意義的歷程,但環境教育研究中卻缺乏相關討論。在環境教育法的施行下,以及專業學習社群的概念普及之際,本研究期望能影響專家、執政者、研究者和教育者,開始關注學校環境教育者與教師同儕間的協作文化,進而理解這群促進者的特性與需求,從專業成長的角度來給予支持扶助,讓學校文化和環境教育學習能一起成長。Confronting environmental issues, humankind must form consensus and seek solutions collaboratively. Environmental education is therefore embedded with collaboration for learners. However, teachers in schools are often separated by disciplines or given inadequate time to interact, they work alone. This study interviews 9 teachers in primary and middle schools, trying to understand how they collaborate with their own colleagues within environmental learning. By acknowledging teachers’ experiences, this study aims at exploring the needs of professional development for school environmental educators, and learning the significance collaboration bring to environmental education. This study reaches the following conclusions: characteristics of environmental education easily allow teachers to connect for collaboration. Through such collaboration, culture of the whole school is altered, and professional development is promoted. Nonetheless, environmental educators hardly find collegiality with teachers from the same profession, thus they have to seek peers outside or to play the role as facilitators inside their schools. Though teachers are given a plenty of chance to work in groups, they do not demonstrate all features of collaboration, and especially lack for collegial support from one another. In addition, gaps between administrative leadership and front-line teachers may cause negative culture to collaborate. Collaboration is a difficult but meaningful process, however, little is mentioned in environmental education research. While environmental education is institutionalized and the concept of professional learning community is highly accepted in Taiwan, this study wishes to draw attention from experts, administrators, researchers and educators, to start to care the collaboration among school environmental educators with their colleagues; as well as to understand the features and needs of these facilitators, thus may provide assistance from lenses of professional development. Consequently, school culture and environmental education learning may both be improved.學校環境教育協作教師專業成長school environmental educationcollaborationteacher professional development學校環境教育中的教師協作Teacher collaboration of school environmental education