洪久賢孫瑜華Horng, Jeou-ShyanSun, Christine潘威達Pan, Wei-Ta(Woody)2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0896060176%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87190美食觀光為臺灣發展觀光餐旅產業的最重要利基之一,創造性問題解 決能力為餐旅教育最重視的培育重點之一,發展一套系統化與有效的美食 觀光課程,藉以培育具有美食觀光創造性問題解決能力之專業人才,其重 要性乃不言而喻。 本文主要目的是:一、發展餐旅科系之美食觀光課程與教學;二、探 討美食觀光課程對餐旅科系學生在美食觀光行銷策略理解程度上的影 響;三、探討美食觀光教學活動對餐旅科系學生在創造性問題解決能力上 的影響。 研究對象以大學餐旅科系大四學生為實驗對象,採取實驗法進行教學 介入研究。本研究證實所發展之美食觀光課程能有效提升實驗組學生對美 食觀光策略的理解程度,以及提升其問題解決能力。本研究提出對未來研 究與對美食觀光課程教學之建議。Culinary tourism is one of the most crucial niches of development tourism and the hospitality industry in Taiwan. Cultivating creative problem-solving ability by providing hospitality education is one of the most critical priorities. Developing a systematic and effective culinary tourism course, for fostering creative problem solving in culinary tourism professionals, and its importance has been evident. The main purposes of this study were (1) to plan culinary tourism instruction and courses for the department of hospitality, (2) to examine the related effect on the hospitality department students in understanding the extent of culinary tourism strategy on culinary tourism instruction, (3) to investigate the effect on hospitality department students’ creative problem-solving skills in culinary tourism instruction. Senior students of the hospitality department constituted the experimental participants and received experimental design research instruction intervention. This study determined that the development of culinary tourism courses can effectively enhance students' understanding of the experimental group culinary tourism strategy and enhance their problem-solving skills. This study proposes recommendations for future research and instruction on culinary tourism activities.美食觀光創造性問題解決餐旅教育課程culinary tourismcreative problem solvinghospitality educationcurriculum美食觀光教學實施成效之研究The Study of Effectiveness of Culinary Tourism Instruction