林芳玫Fang-Mei Lin, Ph. D羅梅芳Mei-Fang Lo2019-08-292009-7-152019-08-292009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695260065%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/933091949年5月20日,國民政府為遷台鋪路在台灣地區進行長期戒嚴。二二八事件的震撼與隨之而來的戒嚴時期,台灣社會頓時進入噤聲不語的時代。鑒於在中國大陸慘痛經驗,國民政府為了鞏固其在台灣政權,嚴厲執行思想言論限制與改造。在此時期,唯有合乎官方意識的論述才得以發聲。 本文以官方色彩濃厚的學術團體「中國訓育學會」發行之刊物《訓育研究》為分析文本,觀察自1959年創刊至2002年改名為止,該雜誌呈顯之民族概念及其與官方意識互動過程。分析結果顯示,《訓育研究》以青年為關懷對象,呈現大中華民族論述。以炎黃子孫的血緣關係及儒家精神的文化召喚建構出中華民族。民族英雄系譜、節日、領袖形象塑造、共匪滲透論…等為維護政權、建構民族想像之手法。 1970年代後,反對勢力漸起,《訓育研究》並未立即反應時代轉變,仍沿襲相似的民族論述,並試圖將「鄉土」收編至大中華民族論述之下。1980年代,反對聲浪高漲,《訓育研究》正面回應並加以回擊,1987年解嚴後,《訓育研究》並未脫離官方色彩且持續抨擊社會現象。1990年代後,《訓育研究》逐漸脫離官方色彩(KMT)朝向專業教育雜誌發展。2002年順應大學法將「中國訓育學會」改名為「中華學生事務學會」,《訓育研究》更名為《學生事務》,成為關懷各級教育的專業教育雜誌。 《訓育研究》以學術團體現身,在發刊後近40年間以國民政府協力者姿態發聲,切實反映出官方意識。沿襲近40年的大中華民族論述,在進入1990年代後期逐漸消聲,轉而關切各級學校教育議題,成為一專業教育雜誌並發行至今。On May 20, 1949, the KMT government enforced martial law for a long time in order to pave the way for moving the capital to Taiwan. With 228 incident and the following martial law period, Taiwanese society entered a silence era immediately. Because of the painful experience in Mainland China, the KMT government sternly implemented the restriction and transformation of peoples’ thoughts and speech in order to consolidate it’s regime. During this period, only the speech statement that only conformed with authoritative ideology could be allowed. This text wants to analyze “Xun Yu Yan Jiu”(1959-2002), to observe it’s national conception and the interaction with KMT government. The result shows that the Chinese nation is constructed by blood relationship and Confucian culture. National hero, leader appearance description, memorial days and PPC description are the methods. After 1970’s, the counterforce was getting up gradually, but “Xun Yu Yan Jiu” didn’t reflect the changes immediately. It continued the similar viewpoints and tried to collect “Xiang Tu” to Chinese nation. 1980’s, the counterforce became powerful, “Xun Yu Yan Jiu” fought back. After abolishing the martial law, “Xun Yu Yan Jiu” didn’t depart from KMT government and condemned social phenomenon continuously. After 1990’s, “Xun YU Yan Jiu” departed from KMT government and became a professional educational magazine. “Xun Yu Yan Jiu” appeared with an academic organization, about 40 years, it reflected official ideologies. Its statement of Chinese nation continued almost 40 years and vanished gradually during 1990’s. “Xun Yu Yan Jiu” concerned with educational topic and became a professional magazine and continued to this day.民族想像官方民族主義中國民族主義訓育研究national imaginationofficial nationalismChinese nationalismXun Yu Yan Jiu《訓育研究》中的民族想像(1959-2002)National Imagination in “Xun Yu Yan Jiu”(1959-2002)