信世昌詹筱蔚2019-08-282007-2-102019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0691240031%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86341本篇論文旨在針對學習華語的中高級學生,設計一套以華語電影DVD作為上課教材與教學輔助的的教學應用過程。 本論文首先審視國內外語言教學相關研究與使用心得,包括教學媒體理論、電影運用於語言教學之研究以及電影運用於華語教學之研究,得知電影使用於語言課堂已行之有年,而用於華語教學方面,也有許多教師分享了運用電影教學的心得。接著,本篇論文探討了現今華語電影教材與教學現況。電影華語教材在市面上還不多見,而在教學方面則有各種不同使用方式。另外,本論文還從不同方面來審視實際教學時會碰到的難題,得出電影華語教學準則。最後並使用「飲食男女」這部電影作為教材,實際設計一教學範例。 結論是電影如果運用得當,是適合語言教學的媒體,然而正式的電影華語教材還有待開發。電影華語課程的內容可大分為針對語言能力提昇與針對文化議題討論這兩方面。 在電影華語教學準則這一部分,要選擇適合課堂教學的電影,另外觀影前需給學生充分的準備,也就是需要使用前導綱要(AO)。學生除了了解電影內容,還需要透過各種課堂活動來鞏固所學到的知識,教師並且要注意文化議題的導入,讓學生在語言之外更能藉由電影學到目標語國家文化。This study aims at designing a Mandarin Chinese course and teaching usage through using Chinese film for intermediate-high level students. The study first examines related researches, including instructional media theories, theories about using film to teach languages and specifically, using film to teach Chinese. Then the study investigates teaching materials and classes, and finally, leads to the rules of usage in classroom. Combining all the above, the study provides an example of Mandarin Chinese course through using the film “Eat Drink Man Woman” in classroom for students who have learned Chinese for at least 2 years. It is concluded that if properly used, film is a good choice for language teaching. However, teaching materials in this field are still comparatively rare. As for the usage in classroom, first thing is to choose the right film for language teaching. Before watching, using advance organizer to prepare students for future study is important. Except for understanding the film and the language, students need to take various activities to reinforce the knowledge learned. And teachers should also pay attention to the instruction of cultural subject as well as language skills.教學設計華語教學華語電影教學活動設計Chinese filmChinese teachinginstructional design電影華語教學設計