陳室如Chen, Shi-Ru謝青穎Hsieh, Ching-Ying2023-12-082022-06-272023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/09261fdb98da411ef30f2b5920b5b327/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119869教科書是將課綱轉化成具體內容的載體,並且帶有主流教育思想,更是形塑出一國人民文化素養的重要管道。在一〇八課綱實施之後,高中教科書有很大的轉變,本論文運用文獻分析法與內容分析法,以龍騰、翰林、三民三家版本的國文教科書為研究範圍。研究結果發現從一〇一課綱到一〇八課綱,教科書中的「旅行書寫」在課本中的占比明顯上升,選文也有大幅度的改變,不僅新增許多新的作者以及文本,並且更呈現出在地化與國際化兩種特色。筆者分析旅行書寫的選文與一〇八課綱核心素養發現與「藝術涵養與美感素養」有密切的關聯;而在與十九項教育議題方面則與「戶外教育」和「環境教育」議題的連結性最強。教科書中的旅行書寫選文在文體上呈現多樣性:除了古典跟現代的傳統遊記以外,還包含了賦、記、小品文、隨筆札記、演講稿、書信、文化散文、人物傳記、科普文章等類別;而在主題方面筆者則歸納出三項子題:認識自我、社會觀察、自然關懷。Textbooks are the carriers that transform the curriculum into specific content, with mainstream educational ideas, and are also an important channel for shaping the cultural literacy of a country's people. After the implementation of the 108 syllabus, high school textbooks have changed a lot. This paper uses the literature analysis method and content analysis method, and takes the three versions of the Chinese textbooks of Longteng, Hanlin and Sanmin as the research scope. The results of the study found that from syllabus 101 to syllabus 108, the proportion of travel writing in textbooks has increased significantly, and the selection of texts has also changed significantly, adding manynew authors and texts, and showing more Localization and internationalization. After analyzing the selected essays of travel writing and the core literacy of the 108 syllabus, the author found that it is closely related to"artistic cultivation and aesthetic literacy"; and in terms of educational issues, it is related to "outdoor education" and "environmental education" issues. the strongest. Travel writing selections are stylistically diverse: in addition to classical and modern traditional travel notes, they also include Fu, Record, Essays, Essay Notes, Speeches, Letters, Cultural essays, Biographies, popular science articles and other categories; In terms of themes, three sub-topics are summarized: self-knowledge, social observation, and natural care.旅行書寫教科書研究一〇八課綱核心素養教育議題travel writingtextbook research108 syllabuscore literacyeducational issues一〇八課綱普通高中國文教科書的旅行書寫研究:以龍騰、翰林、三民版為例108 Syllabus Research on Travel Writing of General High Chinese Literature Textbooks:Take Longteng, Hanlin and Sanmin versions as examplesetd