洪儷瑜Hung, Li-Yu鄭羽珊Cheng, Yu-Shan2019-08-282018-09-172019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0503091220%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91442本研究採取單一受試研究法之跨受試多探試設計,探討數學課文本位閱讀理解策略教學對於國中學習障礙學生的數學學習成效及學生使用策略的學習情形。本研究的自變項為數學課文本位閱讀理解策略,依變項則為學生學習成效,包括數學學習成效及策略學習成效,研究對象為四名國中八年級以上之學習障礙且數學表現為全班後25%之學生,並分為三組,接受基線期、介入期與維持期之評量,介入期各組皆在四週內完成12次的教學介入。 將所蒐集到的資料進行視覺分析和效果值,得到下列三項發現: (一)三組研究對象經過三組兩次跨基線設計後,從數學表現的平均數和表現水準之差異,可推得四位研究對象的數學表現測驗得分的確因教學介入而提升數學表現。 (二)三組研究對象經過三組兩次跨基線設計後,從各策略使用得分情形可推得四位研究對象使用策略的能力確實因教學介入而提升;此外四位研究對象在學習四種策略使用的過程上無明顯差異,使用預測及提問策略的頻率與得分較高,澄清策略使用的頻率與得分較低。 (三)四位研究對象和其教師在接受數學課文本位閱讀理解策略教學後,對於使用策略在數學學習皆給予正向回饋。 本研究依據上述研究結果,提出欲進行學習障礙學生數學課文本位相關教學之教學實務及研究建議。The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of mathematics textbook-based reading comprehension strategies intervention (MTRCSI) to junior high school students with learning disabilities. A single-subject experimental study of multiple probe design across subjects was used. The independent variable was mathematics textbook-based reading comprehension strategies and the dependent variable was learning outcome, including mathematics learning performance and level of applying strategies. The four students with learning disabilities of the eighth grade or above participated in thestudy, who were low mathematics performance with below 25% of the class. The participants were divided into three groups and they received 12 intervention sessions within 4 weeks intervention period. Data was collected based on three phases: baseline, intervention and maintenance. According to visual analysis, the results of the study were summarized as follows: 1. After three sets of two cross-baseline designs, the difference of the average of mathematical performances and the level of the three groups of subjects showed significant relationship between mathematical performance and MTRCSI. 2. After three sets of two cross-baseline designs, the difference the strategies applying showed significant relationship between strategies applying and MTRCSI. The four subjects had no significant difference in learning and use. They were all relatively easy to use for predicting, questioning and summarizing strategies, but the applications of clarification strategy were slightly worse. 3. After receiving the MTRCSI, the four subjects and their reserouce teachers gave positive feedback to the use of strategies for mathematics learning. According to the findings, the recommendations to further research and implementations were made.學習障礙數學閱讀閱讀理解策略數學課文本位教學單一受試learning disabilitiesmathematics readingreading comprehension strategiesmathematics textbook-based instructionsingle-subject design數學課文本位閱讀理解策略在國中學習障礙學生之學習成效研究The Study of Mathematics Textbook-Based Reading Comprehension Strategies for Students with Learning Disabilities in Junior High School