李根芳Lee, Ken-Fang陳冰潔Tan, Bing-Jie Violet2023-12-082023-02-122023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/2ac089ccd9d43ee50e3c4426e251ff05/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120389本論文旨在探討愛爾蘭作家莎莉·魯尼小說——《聊天記錄》及《正常人》之譯本副文本,以瞭解台灣出版商如何推廣這兩本小說,以及台灣讀者對這兩本小說的看法。本研究採用傑哈·簡奈特(Gérard Genette)的副文本理論,分析小說的內文本(書籍封面、註腳、推薦文、與作者的訪談)及外文本(網路書商提供的資訊、誠品書店製作的《正常人》網路廣播、讀者的線上回饋)。由於魯尼的小說在西方被譽為「千禧世代的小說」,本研究也試圖瞭解台灣出版社如何藉由副文本「翻譯」這類文本給台灣讀者。研究發現,出版社在副文本中減弱了小說的異國和愛爾蘭特色,強調千禧世代面對的焦慮和不安,卻未提及這些焦慮實際上是愛爾蘭社會背景所致。從出版社宣傳小說的策略也能看出,出版社深受西方評論家的影響,包括一再強調西方媒體如何推崇魯尼的小說、以及使用在台灣並不常見的「千禧世代」一詞作為宣傳點。從讀者在網路上的回饋來看,他們也傾向於關注書中人物的情感掙扎,與出版社的宣傳方式一致。這表明出版社提供的副文本可能對讀者如何解讀小說造成影響。This research aims to explore the paratexts of the translated Sally Rooney's novels, Conversations with Friends and Normal People, in order to understand how the Irish author’s novels are promoted by the Taiwanese publisher, and the reception of her novels in Taiwan. Based on Gérard Genette's paratext theory, this research examined both the peritexts (the book covers, footnotes, several articles included in the novels by the publisher) and the epitexts (website information provided by booksellers, a podcast on Normal People made by Eslite Bookstore, and several onlinereviews by readers). Since Rooney's works are hailed as millennial novels in the West, this research seeks to understand how the idea of millennial novels is translated to the Taiwanese reader through the paratexts. It is found that in the paratexts, the publisher minimized the foreignness and Irishness of the novels and emphasized the emotional struggles faced by the millennials, without further explaining how the Irish society results in these issues. From the strategy the publisher uses to promote the novels, it can be noticed that the publisher is greatly influenced by the Western critics' evaluation, including quoting acclaim made by the Western critics, and using the millennials as a selling point of the novels, even though the Chinese term is not often used in Taiwan. The online reviews given by the reader show that they tend to focus on the emotional struggles of young people, which is very much in line with how the publishers promote Rooney's works. This suggests that the publisher's paratext may have a great influence on how the reader receives the works.副文本傑哈·簡奈特千禧世代的小說愛爾蘭文學paratextsGérard Genettemillennial novelsIrish literature莎莉·魯尼小說譯本之副文本分析A Paratextual Analysis of Translations of Sally Rooney's Novels in Taiwanetd