賴建都簡瑜珊2019-09-052011-8-162019-09-052010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0597631105%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103319視覺傳達設計是一門針對資訊傳達與人際溝通的視覺介面的設計工作,而包裝設計則是一門融合造形與裝潢的實用藝術。著眼於當下,台灣十分重視本土文化的時代背景,本論文企圖設計一個能體現地方文化特色的包裝創作。過去「黑豆醬油」一直都是以雲林縣西螺鎮的地方特產著稱,但如今傳統製造業勢微。因此,本研究企圖以顯著的地方特色為主題,發展醬油產品的包裝設計。 論文主軸可分為三部份:(一)文獻探討:了解地方特色產業與包裝設計的內涵,及西螺醬油的發展源流與特色,並從研究地方文化特色中構思包裝設計。(二)深度訪談與田野調查:以西螺鎮上的醬油產業經營者、西螺農會、及產品消費者為訪談對象,透過問答與實地觀察,作為設計發想的參考。(三)整理分析:綜合產業經營者、產品消費者、商品設計者三方的訴求,作為包裝設計的養分。 包裝是產品業者與消費者之間的橋樑,本論文最終的設計表現就是融合二者之觀點,並從中突顯地方特色來呈現物產與文化的結合。Visual Communication Design is a design of visual interface in relation to information and interpersonal communication, while packaging design is the applied art that integrates construction and decoration. At the present, the historical background plays a great important role in Taiwanese local culture. This study aims to show the local cultural characteristics directly from the packaging design. The black bean sauce has been well-known for local products at Siluo Town of Yunlin County in the past, but the traditional manufacturing is getting diminished. Therefore, this study will use the notable local characteristics as the theme to develop the packaging design of soy sauce products. The focus of the thesis includes three parts: (1) Literature review, where the meaning of local industry and packaging design is explored, the development and characteristics of Siluo soy sauce is obtained, and the packaging design is established from investigation of the local cultural features; (2) In-depth interviews and field surveys, where the researcher formulates the packaging design through the interview and field observations on soy sauce industry operators, the farmers’ association, and product consumers in Siluo Town; and (3) Data analysis, where the information provided by the industrial operators, consumer products, and designers is used as the elements of the packaging design. Since packaging serves as the link between the product industry and consumers, the research will demonstrate a final design performance that combines these two points of perspective and highlights local features from which to render the product property with culture.西螺醬油地方特色產業包裝設計SiluoSoy sauceLocal industryPackaging design地方特色產業包裝設計之研究與創作-以西螺醬油為例Researching and Creating the Packaging Design for Local Characteristic Industry: A case study of Soy Sance in Xiluo